Chapter 2

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The next day, Haruko slowly woke up only to reveal she was not on the couch but in a bed with the comforter pulled up over her. Just by the smell she knew who the bed belonged to: Kidd.

She blushed faintly but smiled, groggy enough to not be in her normal state of mind; usually she would jump out of the bed and become flustered, but now she contemplated laying in the bed a bit longer to take in the smell and the fact it's been a few months since she's been in a bed.

She closed her eyes for a moment until she heard chattering from another room. It was mumbled but still noticeable. Soon the fighting grew louder and louder, causing Haruko to raise her head with messy bed hair. She slowly stepped quietly into the hallway.

When she stepped into the living room she saw Kidd with a familiar leather wearing woman standing across from him: Starr.

The two were in a glare match until Kidd finally acknowledged Haruko's steps and turned around.

"Heh, guess we woke Ya?" Kidd said while scratching the back of his head

Haruko nodded softly, "It's fine...just didn't know who was here."

"Starr's jus updatin' me on what's what is all."

"The yelling?"

Starr smirked "Jus' the usual ol' pickin fights."

Kidd smirked and shrugged "Jus' two 'mons that like t' fight."

Haruko blinked and nodded softly "Okay... I'll just go back, back there--"

"Nah, we're done chattin'."

"That we are..." Starr flipped her hair and placed her hand on her hip.

Haruko walked up behind Kidd, looking up at Starr. She was intimidated by the woman: not just by her looks, but for the fact she knew Kidd more than she does. She looked up at her shyly and stepping behind him a little more.

Kidd patted her back with a light chuckle.

"Aww, so cute I'll throw up..." Start said while rolling her eyes. "Ugh, you two already making me sick. I gotta leave..." She said as she walked towards the door "Guns gets violent when left alone."

Kidd chucked "Ain't that the truth. I'll see Ya in a few weeks."

Starr nodded "You better.." She finally looked over her shoulder, acknowledging Haruko "...Human..." With that being her 'hello' and 'good-bye' to her, she left.

Haruko stepped out from behind him, her shoulders relaxing.

Kidd chuckled and suddenly whipped around and grabbed Haruko, swinging her around and placing her on the Coffee table.

"WHOA!!!" Haruko yelped as she was now standing on the coffee table, she looked up at him confused.

Kidd chuckled more and rested his forehead on hers, still having to lean down a bit, "Stop bein so scared of her, Hun... doesn't suit ya."

Haruko blinked and blushed lightly, looking up into his green eyes. She smiled slightly "Hard not to be when she got to see you more than I have."

He just shook his head against hers "Let's jus' fix that."

Haruko leaned over and hugged him, placing her head under the crook of his neck. After a moment she let go and jumped off the coffee table, holding his hand all the while "Here! You go sit down and I'll go make some pancakes." she beamed a smile up at him.

He smirked back and ruffled her hair "Deal.." With that he sat on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table as Haruko ran off to the kitchen.

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