Chapter 3

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The black draped man stood there with an amused grin, chuckling all the while. He slowly stepped towards Fangmon, chuckling more and more.

Haruko starred at him horrified and confused. Who was that? It couldn't have been Kidd could it?

Fangmon growled more and suddenly sprinted at the black Digimon. This only made him sneer with giddiness, his crooked smile being displayed broadly. Fangmon charges at the Digimon as fast as he could.

But the black figure was smarter than repeating himself. He dashed to the side only by a few feet and dragged his three clawed hand along the dog's side. He darted so fast that all could be seen was a black figure and a yellow streak that accounted for his eyes. Once he finished tearing the flesh off the wolf, he sneered even happier chuckling more and more.

Fangmon howled in pain. This new man was fast. Too fast for him to follow.

The new figure followed his attack by charging at Fangmon once more at jumping in the air, pulling out two guns. Pulling the trigger on each, wave after wave of the bullets made contact to the red wolf.

Another howl of pain and mercy escaped from Fangmon as he finally collapsed to the ground.

The black man just chuckled, his flaming yellow eyes gleaming brightly.

Horrified looks were scattered, tears sliding down Haruko's cheek.


The hooded girl jumped down from her perch and took down her hood "We lose!! So stop!!" Tears were shimmering in her eyes. Her blonde hair was nice and well kept with a small braid on the left side of her hair while her light blue eyes were made even shinier with her tears.

The black figure paid no attention to her as he walked closer to the dog, a pool of blood forming underneath him as he faded in and out.

"Hey!!" The red hooded girl yelled "I said we lose!!"

"He's gonna delete him..." Mordred whispered.

Haruko looked at him scared and back at the fight. She finally snapped her hand back from Mordred and ran towards the scene.


Just when the black figure approached Fangmon, he raised his hand high and brought it down quickly.



He stopped. The black man stopped. He had to.


Fangmon slowly opened his eyes to reveal a silhouette of a human that did not belong to his tamer.

Haruko had her hands opened wide to defend Fangmon and glared up at the black man whose fiery eyes dulled. His ready to pierce through anything clawed hand was a mere inch away from her teared stained face. Haruko stood there, not even flinching.

Everyone looked shocked at the scene, speechless.

"B...Bring hi--m back..." she choked out. "Bring back Kidd right now!!"

The black figure starred at the girl, the chuckling gone and the gleam in his eyes gone. He then growled. He clenched his hand tightly and brought it back swiftly and brought it back down.

She refused to even flinch as the hand came down.

And once more...he stopped short.

His hand began to shake and his body slowly followed.

Haruko starred him down, ignoring the tears sliding down her face.

Slowly, the clenched hand opened and was placed on her the top of her head. A black stream of ones and zeros began at his planted hand on Haruko's head and slowly traveled up his arm and then his body. As the data travelled, the black leather like costume returned to a red; glowing yellow eyes back to bright greed.

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