Chapter 5

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Haruko sat there confused, starring down at her hands.

"Oi..." Kidd said lowly to get her attention

This only made her shift some. The young girl closed her eyes "So it really isn't you...?"

" isn't..."

"But it lives inside you...?"

He looked down "Yeah...he does..."

"And the only time...'he' comes out is when you're fighting?"

His brows knitted together "...I just knew that it needed to end fast... it just...sorta happened."

Silence filled the room for what felt like an eternity.

"...then why don't you stop fighting...?"

He flinched back and looked up towards her. He slowly shook his head "Ya know I can't do that..."

"Why not?!" She pleaded to him "You can easily get hurt! Or even hurt someone with that Black--Dark Ki--"

"Vengeance." He huffed and patted her head "His name is Vengeance...and I can't just stop like that... The gang still needs me...and I can't--I won't leave them behind..."

Tears trickled down Haruko's face as she used her wrist to wipe them away. "I just...cant stand the thought...of that--Vengeance, being loose..." she shuddered remembering the murderous yellow gleam, the evil cackle, all coming from the same body that would call her 'sweetheart' and shudder when she sang.

"Sweetheart..." he leaned over and placed his forehead against hers "I don't like it either...but I can't help it... I can't leave the group..."

"" she gulped audibly and pushed him away, shaking her head "I need to think." she abruptly got to her feet and ran to the door.

Kidd stayed silent as she left.

Haruko ran as fast as she could to the one place she knew: the library.

She ran to the small building and went straight to the back area where beanbag chairs, along with tables and normal chairs, were. She plopped down in one of the oversized beanbags and curled up into a ball. She hid her face as a few tears slid down her cheek.

She knew Kidd couldn't leave his friends, but is the love of fighting so deep inside him that he would choose the will to fight OVER her. She shook her head in denial. Of course he wouldn't, he loves her! Though...he never said it...or even called her by her own name... And the most they've ever done is hug... The urge of wanting to defend him was slowly withering away.


A sniffle was heard from the distressed woman before she looked up to see who was talking. It revealed to be Mordred, looking concerned towards her. He knelt down to her to talk to her level "What happened?"

She sat up in the oversized beanbag and starred down to the ground "Oh Mordred.." She sniffed out "I don't know what to do...I'm so scared..."

"Ssshhh..." she hushed as he wrapped her in his arms, bringing her in close. "Its okay... I get it..."

She sobbed into his chest, trying to keep the house down for the fact they were in a library. Did he? Did he really understand? He couldn't have... Something like this... She wouldn't have wished it on her greatest enemy... The distress, the anxiety, the dread, the the strongest feeling was almost too much for her to bare... She begged for relief to come soon. NOW.

After a moment she looked up at Mordred, tears dripping from her eyes.

Mordred cupped her cheek, rubbing some of the tears away with his thumb "I'm right here... No matter what, I'll always be right here..."

She smiled, wiping the remaining years away with her wrist "Thank you..." she then looked away and smiled to herself "Why are you too nice to me...? Even after I told you to get out of the house...?"

He blinked, blushing lightly and looked away with his own small smile "...People do crazy things..."

She nodded in agreement.

"Especially when they're in love..."

Haruko blinked, her eyes widening. She whipped her head around to see Mordred starring at her intensely. Violet eyes met with crystal blue.

He spoke lowly and calm "I don't want you to hurt like this anymore...not because of Magnakidmon or by anyone else...."

She stayed there dumbfounded for what felt like hours.


"Hush..." she slowly leaned in to him "You talk to much..." She whispered just before she pressed her lips against his.

Mordred froze momentarily but once he felt the mood, he leaned in as well. He placed a hand on her cheek as the two shared a small, yet passionate kiss.



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