Chapter 7

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The next day, Mordred walked out of his room, stifling a yawn. He looked over towards the kitchen to see Haruko frying eggs in a skillet and a fresh pot of coffee made.

Mordred smiled and walked over closer to her "Good Morning."

She jumped lightly and made a small smile to him "Mornin'."

Mordred walked over and made himself a cup of coffee "How was your night?"

"Good good."

An awkward silence fell in the room. Every question Mordred would ask was quickly replied in a few words.

Mordred sighed "I should probably be getting ready for work..."

"I think I'll take the day off.." she said quietly.

"Alright...if you're sure..." Mordred said with a small smile. He leaned over a pecked the corner of her lips, pulling back slowly "I do care about you Haruko..." He said lowly.

She blinked, a quick image of Kidd passing her mind. She looked over at him and gave him a half-smile half-smirk "I care about you too..."

Mordred smiled and slowly leaned in and kissed her forehead, pulling back just as slow before he left the room.

Haruko's heart jumped and sudden pain hit her her chest. Was guilt? Regret? She was hoping it was something fatal to relieve her of this situation.

After about fifteen minutes he returned in his bartending uniform "Ill be back at about seven."

She smiled at him, her now sitting on the couch with a plate of half eaten eggs. "Alright."

He smiled back "Have a fun free-day." He said as he headed to the door.

"I will!" She shouted as he shut the door.

Haruko sighed, nestling more into the couch as she laid in a pair shorts, and oversized shirt, and a warm cup of coffee. As she finished her cup, thoughts crept into her mind that she tried to forget.

Why was she in a relationship with Mordred? Well of course he's nice...and sweet...and cares for her deeply. But why was she in the relationship? Of course she cared for him, ever since they were little...but what kind of care...? With Kidd it was simpler... It was unmistakable...she knew the feeling then. But now...had anything really changed between them? And...Vengeance...she couldn't--she can't stand the thought of another being taking over Kidd. But would that really change the mind of the heart so easily...?

At the thought of Kidd her heart ached. She wanted to see him, to make sure he was okay. He most likely has not been eating well and mainly to only been drinking, if she knew him well enough that is.

Haruko remembered his reaction to having his first was exactly the same as a child being given one. It was then she decided:

"I'll fix him something to eat..." she told herself.

She quickly went to work in the kitchen. She made everything from cake to cookies to brownies to muffins. Hours had passed and she was finally done. She placed an assortment of all the goodies in a leftover tin that Mordred had stored cookies in to act as an award system for Bitemon so he would not destroy the furniture.

"What smells good?"

Haruko turned around to the grey lizard and smiled, "Made some goodies. Want some?"

His eyes instantly lit and sparkled. He nodded his head vigorously "YEAH!!!"

Haruko could not help but giggle at he small lizard, "Okay but not too many." She placed one of each goodie on a plate for the lizard.

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