Chapter 8

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Haruko was at the apartment, reading a book she had checked out from the library.

Mordred walked in the door with a huff--making Haruko look at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"This day..." he rolled his eyes and faced her "I had three drinks spilt on me, I fell and liked to have cracked my head open, and guess who had to break up a fight and got punch in the stomach..." He plopped down on the couch beside her, his arms on the back of couch "Ugh... Today's not my day..."

Haruko flinched back, looking to the side nervously "Yeeeaaahhh..." Crap...i can't tell him about Kidd now... Maybe early tomorrow? Kidd said he would give me two days.

Haruko was taken from her thoughts as Mordred rests his arm on her shoulder and brought her in close.

"At least I had you to look forward to." he smiled. He then leaned over and kissed her cheek, a smile peeking his lips.

Guilt washed over her instantly. While he was having the worst day ever, she was having her best with someone else. She had to force a smile with a weak laugh.

Mordred then extracted his arm and patted his knees "Welp!" He started "What sh--"

The ground shook, making Mordred stand up quickly. Instantly his digivise went off and Bitemon ran in to the room with a growl.

Mordred took his digivise and a small picture of an abnormal creature appeared on the screen "Ghoulmon is attacking!" He drew his attention to Hatuko "Haruko, stay here." he then ran towards the door "Lets go Bitemon!"

"But Mordr--"

"I'll be back..." he smiled "I promise..."

He then shut the door quickly behind him and Bitemon.


Haruko sat on the couch, fiddling her hands nervously. What if he did not return? What if he was injured? What if Kidd showed up? Or Vanessa? What if one of them were to get hurt? Or even worse than that...

A chill ran through her spine, she could not stand not knowing what was happening. It was a similar helplessness of that when Kidd had left for his work.

Her hands began to shake as sweat beaded down "Why do we have to fight...?"

Her brother held up his fist that was drenched in another man's blood

"Why is it always the people I care about...?"

"Yui, Akane, we find you guilty second degree murder"

She hastily stood up "...I have to go see...even if it's from afar... I won't let them fight while I'm here as a bystander..." She quickly ran to the door and slammed it behind her.

It did not take long to find the battle--only a few blocks away from the house. Haruko watched as Bitemon spit towards the one-eyed grey thing that was referred to as Ghoulmon.

She hid from behind a building. No sign of Vanessa or Kidd.

"Go Bitemon!" she heard from across the battle field--a voice that had to belong to Mordred.

Ghoulmon eye began to glow an eerie purple and a ray was fired towards Bitemon.

Bitemon froze, as if a deer in the headlights.

In a red flash he was saved--the purple beam shooting at where Bitemon once stood.

Bitemon blinked curiously for a minute before looking up to see a familiar red bandit rolling his eyes "How many times am I going to save your pet, Dino-brat!

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