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"Little red riding hood
I don't think little big girls should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

What big eyes you have
The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad
Just to see that you don't get chased
I think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have
They're sure to lure someone bad
So until you get to Grandma's place
I think you oughta walk with me and be safe"

Haruko smiled to the crowd and lowered her head as a bow to them as Kyo over the speaker spoke "Now ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Yui, Haruko will be taking a break. But don't worry, she'll be back real soon."

With that the lights turned dark and she quickly ran off the stage and head straight to the bar to see Kidd, leaning back in his usual seat. She quickly sat beside him and smiled "What do you think?"

He huffed through his nose, embarrassed slightly to admit what he thought. He then just brought her in close to him with his arm and nuzzled the top of her head affectionately, planting a small kiss on the top of her head.

She took the hint, meaning he liked it. She blushed pink but wrapped her arms around him.

Senji the bartender rolled his eyes "You two should go get a room."

"Yeah, let's stick with them being in public..."

Haruko looked up and smiled, while Kidd pouted seeing who spoke.

Mordred stood there in his black shirt and blue jeans, smiling at Haruko. Hiding behind him was Vanessa in her usual white and blue dress, clinging to Mordred's hand shyly.

Haruko waved at them "Hey Momo!" She smiled at Vanessa and saw the two holding hands. She cocked a brow with a smirk "So did you two finally make it official?"

Vanessa turned pure red and hid behind Mordred while his cheeks were just flushed and he scratched the back of his head "Well, I guess you can say that..."

Haruko blinked with a wide smile and punched the air above her "Yeah!! I'm so happy for you two!"

"Tch, then maybe you can be off my ass." Kidd muttered, taking a sip from his beer.

"Oh don't think that." Mordred lowered his eyes at him, in an almost glare "I still think you'll do more harm than good to Haruko, so I still don't like this."

Kidd rolled his eyes and leaned forward towards him, putting one hand on the counter "Well guess who's gonna have to get over it."

The two glared at each other, leaving Vanessa and Haruko sweat to drop.

"Oh brother..."

"Yui, Haruko, please return to the stage."

Haruko looked up and smiled widely. She turned around and stood up "Sorry guys! The stage is calling!"

"Knock 'em dead, Haruko!" Mordred cheered

"I'll knock you dead..." Kidd muttered.

The two instantly returned to their glare match, electricity spark from them.

Vanessa smiled shyly "Good luck."

Haruko nodded to her and ran up stage.

The End


Little Red Riding Hood by Amanda Sterling

So this is the end of the sequel. It was an emotion roller coaster but here it is! What do you all think? Do you guys like the final pairings or thought of it as a cliché?

Please if you have any questions please ask! I love getting to connect with my readers so please do if you have any!

I plan on writing short side stories to this 'series' so if there's a particular moment you all like to see please ask ^^. whether it be Mordred and Vanessa on their first date or Haruko and Kidd or even the Three Musketeers. No idea is a bad idea!!

I have an idea of a third tale to finish this story off but it would be placed WAY into the future. To where Haruko is like in her thirties or forties. And it may or may not evolve a somewhat child~ tell me if you guys would like that as side story or a full on actual story!

If I get a lot of questions I may just make the next chapter a Q and A chapter. It can be about me as a writer or any of my stories. So be curious and just ask! Just no personal questions about me, please.

I believe that's it! Tell me what you think!! Until next time!

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