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Wiess had always been an uptight girl, constantly making sure she looked presentable while trying to get good marks in school. She wasn't a very social girl and often her blunt nature made people shy away from her

She tried so hard to follow in her sister's footsteps, to make her sister proud of her. She defiantly got along better with her sister than her father, that man cared for nothing more than keeping the Schee Dust Compony at the top of the market

He abused the faunas in the mines, giving them little to no protection against the dangers that afflicted them in the mines. That made them a target for the white fang, those fanatics would attack kill her in a heartbeat if given the chance

Wiess had grown used to being cold to people, it was becoming part of her nature, but even she could tell something was wrong with the sisters in her team, the dolt Ruby would lay in bed a cry while talking about something to do with cookies while Yang would just start staring into nothingness, even if you were talking to her

Mr Ozpin hadn't really done anything about it yet as he was running around the school looking for something, taking no time to do anything else, as though his life demanded it. There were rumours going around that he had lost a valuable treasure that could never be replaced

Wiess didn't really care too much, as long as her study went well and her marks were great she had no need to look into other people problems, or at least, that's what she thought

She was walking out of her last class for the day and had felt the sudden need for the bathroom. Not one to ignore the call of Mother Nature she had heeded the call and made quick steps to arrive at the girl's bathroom

She opened the door and walked through, only to find herself in a frozen wasteland, massive pillars of ice curving above while snow heavily pelted down on her "What in Oum!?" Weiss yelled as she rubbed her eye to dispel any illusions

She opened the door and walked through, only to find herself in a frozen wasteland, massive pillars of ice curving above while snow heavily pelted down on her "What in Oum!?" Weiss yelled as she rubbed her eye to dispel any illusions

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The door that she had entered through slammed shut before freezing over, leaving her no way to escape the frigid temperatures, her school clothes not giving much warmth either. She desperately tried to open the door, kicking it, ramming against it but nothing seemed to work

"Hehehehe, you cant leave dear, this will be your frozen grave" A chilling voice called out over the wasteland sending a chill down Weiss's spine. The voice was dark, evil and full of benevolence

"Who are you!? Show yourself!" Weiss demanded as she reached for her weapon, only to realised she had left it in her dorm room "Someone will notice I am gone and that the door is frozen, so you may as well let me go and turn yourself in!"

"Hmm, your right" The door unfroze "How about I let you go and you never mention this to anyone? Please?" The voice said pleadingly having realised the mistake it made capturing Weiss, "Fine, just remember to never try this on me again" Weiss said, her pride bursting at having gotten her capture to let her go

She opened the door and looked through without looking, which was a big mistake as she suddenly felt herself falling at high speeds "Huh!?" Weiss screened as she opened her eyes and saw herself falling from one of the ice pillars above the clouds

"HAHA, Did you HAHAHA really thing Id let you go HAHAHA" The voice laugh grated against Weiss's ears as she fell

"Tou said you'd let me go! where is your honour!?" Weiss yelled as she saw the ground approaching fast, very fast, fast enough that she would end up as a pancake if she were to collide with the solid ice

"What is an honour to a Goddess of Harsh Snow!?" The voice asked mockingly "I am above your petty mortal concepts, though I have been told I suffer from extreme pride. Though not as much as you, I would imagine"

"Huh!?" Weiss yelled incredulously. She didn't suffer from pride! he was just confident in her abilities! "Oh yes, you believe you are better than all the faunas!" The voice taunted

"You believe yourself the better candidate for team leader!", "That because I am! Ruby is but a child who was lucky enough to be accepted, doesn't mean when has the right to lead!" Weiss yelled back

"You flaunt wealth that isn't even yours, you were given it by your father and yet you believe it is all yours, what did you do to deserve it!", "I work hard so as not to use my own, I was given it, doesn't mean it isn't mine!" Weiss was starting to notice  she was still falling, and was gaining speed

"You act all high and mighty, but what have you ever done better than anyone else!?", "I work hard! I am smarter! I am a noble!" Weiss yelled out, full confidence in the complete rubbish that she was sprouting

"Bullshit! You only ever care for yourself! You don't love your sister! You don't really even care for your mother! You don't care for your nation!", "Yes, I do! Where do you get the nonsense that I don't love them!?"

"Then why did you abandon them the second you got the chance!? You left them for a school where you thought you would be great and lead the next generation! But look at you! You left them for the role of a follower!!!!"

The last sentence boomed throughout the frozen land making ice crack and landfills slide down. The snow turned to hail and the ground turned to spikes

"Ahhhhhh!!" Weiss closed her eyes and prepared for impact but suddenly felt herself stop mid-air. She opened her eyes and saw her face was a millimetre from having an ice spike pierce her eye

"Leave! You will be punished for your arrogance soon, but not now. I can't even stand to look at you!" As the voice spoke the door reappeared under her body and opened up...

Before gravity resumed and Weiss was sucked out of the frozen world

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