Curse of the Lost Heart

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Today's an average day at best in this small dank town. Everyone knows everyone, but no one seems to know about the secrets this town holds.

That was until an exploration of the tunnels that ran beneath the city led to a catastrophic event.

"It's so hot today..." Kiara complained, her short pixie cut falling flat against her forehead from sweat. She perched herself on a branch high in a tree, swinging her legs. Dae-Won sat criss-cross at the trunk staring up at the clear blue sky. He didn't mind the heat. He did mind being bored.

"We could go for a hike in the woods."

Kiara sucked in air, swung down the tree until she landed on her feet next to him.

"We did that yesterday..."

Dae-Won shrugged, "Better than sitting here. Besides, we haven't been to the heartland woods yet. "

"That's because my parents say it's haunted."

"They only say that to keep you from having any fun."

Kiara shrugged. Anything was better than getting an unnecessary sunburn in this heat.

They hurried along, stopping at Kiara's house to grab a snack and a bottle of water each. Then they made their way down into the heartland forests just outside the city.

Dae-Won gasped loudly. He had never seen markings like the ones on the cave near an abandoned silo. The area around it even appeared lifeless.

"Told you this place was creepy." Retorted Kiara.

"You said it was haunted." Dae-Won rolled his eyes, stepping closer to the opening. Deep within something glinted with the sunlight cutting through the canopy of trees.

"There's something in there."


"Could be a treasure. We could be rich." He beamed at her, his soft brown hair blowing with the cool breeze. The excitement in his bright green eyes made her want to go explore. Even though something about the marking made her uneasy.

"Alright Indiana Jones, lead the way." She chuckled, half-heartedly. He tipped an imaginary hat, walking into the cave. The markings outside the cave lined the walls inside. They had a slight red glow to them, like they had tiny fires glowing within.

"That's not creepy." Kiara observed. Dae-Won's eyes were trained on the glinting metal ahead of them.

"Look." He pointed toward the shiny metal. Kiara ran forward, Dae-Won following closely. When they got closer they found a tiny silver heart-shaped locket sitting within a glass case.

"Oh my goodness, it's beautiful." Kiara's voice was filled with excitement. Her hand reaching out to pull away the glass frame that held it captive.

It burned their lungs, scorching their skin, leaving them with a heart-shaped burn. A burn that showed the Inflamed world that they were to blame for the catastrophic events.

A devastating burn that left everything scorched or completely obliterated. There were no warnings when one goes curiously snooping in dark caves left abandoned in time. How were they to know?

Perhaps the hieroglyphics covering the slick wet walls leading up to the devilish object that depicted love. It's beautiful delicate design luring them in like a moth to a bug zapper.

Once Kiara touched the cool surface of the locket, smoke billowed out encasing her and Dae-won in a thick wall.

"Dae-Won!" Kiara cried out, unable to see her friend in the ever thickening putrid haze. She reached out her hands blindly searching for him, only to be hit with a searing metal upon her forearm.

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