I'm not even Mad

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I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter sighing heavily. It had been such a long day at the office and all I wanted was my gummy bears with a little Netflix time. Walking toward the jar that contains the huge bag of sugary goodness when I opened it, I stepped back in horror. Someone has taken my gummy bears! Only one issue with that... I live by myself.

A gummy bear burglar!

What if they were still in my house? I looked about in a panic crouching down with my arms out ready for anything. That's when I saw it...

A lone gummy bear on the island in the center of the kitchen. How did that little guy get there, narrowing my eyes I moved towards it. Half expecting it to jump out at me... It didn't, my imagination just takes me above and beyond reasonableness sometimes. As I got closer, I noticed a small pile of them stacked up near the pantry, and then one lone green one by the door leading into the living room.

I know I don't have a pet. So, what is that smacking noise I hear coming from the far corner, along with a faint light? Did I leave my tablet on the floor again? I picked up my broom for a weapon and crept towards the side of my couch. The smacking sound grew louder with a faint "mmm" noise to go with it.


What is that? Was it a sound from the video?

Smack! Smack!


I peeked over the arm of the couch to see a fluffy blue critter with handfuls of gummy bears in it's paws. It's giant pink eyes with staring at a video of kittens playing on the tablet. It was cute... "mmm..." the sound was louder making me giggle at the adorable sound. It clearly didn't like me giggling at it. So in response it's fur turned pitch black and its eyes a bright red as it stared up at me. It was twitching and hissing much like cat. How do you calm down... Whatever this is? Would Google know? I don't have time to think about that so... Here we go.

"Oh.... Hey... Hey... Hey you're okay!" I waved my hands in peace. It's big eyes narrowed at me as it's twitching began to stop and its fur faded into the blue color once more. Squeaking at me it looked back towards the screen. "mmm then tossed a few more gummy bears in its mouth rocking back and forth as if to dance happily.

I wonder if I could pet it...

Hmmm... when I reached out to touch it, it's eyes followed my hand until it rested on top the soft things head. It began to purr. Oh, how cute! What even is this thing though? It rolled over onto my lap and eventually fell asleep holding a handful of the gummy bears it had stolen. But you know what? I'm not even mad.

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