4. First impression

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Almost two months later,

A normal school day... everyone is in the class. The teacher is taking the students' name one by one and students are replying 'present mam' or 'yes mam'.

After all these things, the teacher was about to start teaching today's topic... but someone comes at the door, "May I come in, mam?"

It's girl's voice and this voice is new. Hearing that new voice, everyone looks at the door. A beautiful girl, in the school uniform and her bag on her shoulder, is standing there.

"Come in.", the teacher allows her to enter in the class.

Everyone is looking at that girl. And some students are surprised to see such a beautiful girl in their class.

Teacher: You're the new admission, right?

"Yes mam.", that girl replies in her sweet voice.

Amit (whispers to Sidd): New admission? At this time?

Sidd (in a low voice): Yeah, I'm also thinking the same.

Teacher: What's your name?

"Anushka. Anushka Sen."

So, this is Anushka, nick name Anu, a pretty and sweet girl. As you know, she is new in this school.

Teacher: Okay, Anushka. You're almost two months late to take admission in school, you know na?

Anu: Yes mam, I know. Actually... when the new session was starting, my father got promotion in his job and we got to know that we have to shift in Lucknow. And then, after coming here... getting settle and all took a lot of time.

Teacher: Ok I understand. It's just because our principal mam knows you, you are admitted here even after two months of session started. But now you have to cover all those previous chapters and topics that we already taught.

(Anushka and the principal, Mrs. Reena are neighbours.)

Anu: Sure mam. I'll manage everything.

Teacher: Ok! Now go and have your seat. We're just about to start today's class.

"Thank you.", she goes and sits on an empty seat.

And then the class starts.

After the class,

Amit: Bro, did you hear? She is known to principal mam.

Sidd: Yeah, I also have ears! But what's the problem in it?

Amit: Dude, we should stay away from her.

Sidd: But why?

Amit: Because if we make any mistake, then she'll directly complaint to mam.

Sidd: So what? I don't do such silly things ever. Why would I afraid of any complaints?

Amit: Yeah, that's also right. But still... you know? Such people are usually very arrogant.

Sidd: Really? No, I don't agree with you. Just look at her innocent face yar. I don't think she would be arrogant.

Amit: Arey don't go on her face. Sometimes people are not as simple as they look, try to understand.

Sidd: Ok okay! I don't think there is any need of judging a girl whom you don't even know. So now stop it.

Amit: Yeah ok!

There, Anushka talks to a few girls who are sitting near her and tries to make friends. And while talking to them, she gets to know that the topper of this class is a boy and his name is Siddharth. One of the girls, Surbhi, points to Siddharth and says, "He is Siddharth, the topper."

Anu looks at that boy, while he was busy in talking to his friend. In her previous school, she used to be the topper of her class. So, after getting to know about Siddharth, Anu is just thinking if he'll befriended with her or compete with her.

Anu (POV): Umm... should I go and talk to him? Or else, wait for him to come first? Well... I'm a new student and as being an old student, he should come to me. Okay, I think I should wait for some time. If he comes first, it means he is a polite and nice boy and he can be made a friend, but if he doesn't come, it means he is arrogant and there is gonna be a big competition for the first rank.

In the lunch time,

The peon comes in the class and says that Principal mam has called Siddharth and Anushka in her office.

And Sidd was eating his lunch at that time, while Anushka didn't bring her tiffin today as it's her first day.

Sidd: Yeah, I'm coming in 5 minutes. 

To Be Continued...

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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