16. Impressive Sidd

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Both Sidd and Anu start studying.

Anu explains the topics to Sidd and clears his doubts. Because of continuously talking, Anu suddenly starts coughing.

Sidd looks here and there and sees a water bottle in Anu's bag. He quickly gets up and brings that bottle.

"Anushka!", Sidd gives the bottle to Anu.

Anu drinks water and feels relaxed. "Anu!", she speaks up while keeping the bottle aside.

"What?", Sidd doesn't understand what she said.

Anu looks at Sidd, "If I can call you Sidd, you also can call me by my nickname."

"Anu?", Sidd asks.

Anu nodes her head in yes.

Sidd smiles, "Okay! Now shall we continue, Anu?"

Anu feels happy to hear 'Anu' from Sidd's mouth, "Sure!"

After some time, the other students start coming one by one. As soon as they enter in the class, everyone's reaction is like, "Siddharth? You've come so early today?"

And Sidd is like... "Yeah, I came early today!"

After a while, Amit also enters in the class. And he totally unexpected that Sidd will come early in the morning just to study with Anu.

He puts his bag on his bench and goes to Sidd.

Seeing Amit, Sidd says, "Hi bro! Good morning."

And Amit starts his overacting. He pinches and slaps himself, "Oh my god! Am I dreaming?", Amit looks at Sidd with doubtful eyes, "Hey! Who are you? I know you're not my friend Sidd. You can't be Sidd, man! He can never come school before time... never ever!"

And as soon as he finishes, he sees that both Sidd and Anu are looking at him with their angry sights.

Sidd: Have you done with your drama?

Anu: Literally man! How can someone do so much over-acting?

"Was it too much?", Amit sits beside Sidd, "But dude! How did this happen? I mean... how did you come so early today?"

Sidd: I woke up at 4 am today and finished all the household works that chachi asks me to do every morning.

"4 am? Really?", Anu gets surprised.

But Amit gets no chill. He whispers in Sidd's ears, "And all this was just for studies or it was for Anu, hmm?"

(Should I tell you a secret? The same question is going on in Anu's mind right now.)

Sidd looks at Amit with a confusing expression, "Have you gone mad? What do you want to say ha?"

"Ahem ahem!", Anu interrupts, "What whisperings are going on between you two? I'm also here!"

Sidd replies, "Ah... nothing...", and he turns towards Amit, "Bro! Will you please let me study peacefully?", then he says to Anu, "Anu! You continue."

"Wait! What?", Amit reacts after hearing the word 'Anu', "Who is Anu?"

Sidd points towards Anu, "Anu... Anushka's nickname."

"Yeah, it's me. Why? Any problem?", Anu says.

Amit raises his eyebrows and looks at both of them doubtfully, "At first Anushka calls you by your nickname Sidd. And now you're also calling her by her nickname Anu. Will anyone tell me what's actually going on here?"

Anu tries to sort out the matter, "Offoo Amit! Best friends are allowed to call us by our nicknames na? Like you call him Sidd!"

"Then am I not your best friend?", Amit cross questions.

Anu: Fine! You can also call me Anu.

Sidd speaks up in between, "Amit! Now will you please let me finish these topics?"

"Alright!", Amit gets up, "You focus on your studies for now... will talk to you later.", and he goes from there.

After some time, the classes start.

Today, the class teacher informs the students that the first-class test is gonna take place next week. And after the class, everyone starts discussing about the test and all.

Anu comes to Sidd, "So... first test is coming! Now I'll show you what I'm!"

Sidd replies, "So what? I never underestimate you. After listening about your previous academic records, I'm quite sure that I'm gonna get a really tough competition this year. And I'm ready for it!"

Anu: Really? That's good then. Now let's see who brings more marks!

Sidd stands up and goes closer to Anu, "I don't bring highest marks in the class by competing others.", Sidd looks at Anu with confident eyes, "Every time I challenge myself to achieve a goal and this is how my marks get better and better. Excuse me.", and saying this Sidd goes out of the class for some work.

After he goes, Anu raises her eye brows, "Impressive!"

Amit, who was also there, starts smiling after seeing all this.

Anu notices it and asks to Amit, "What happened? Why are you smiling like this?"

Amit simply nodes his head, "Nothing..."

Anu looks at Amit doubtfully, but then goes back to her seat without saying anything.

From the next week, the class tests start. As every class, some students take it seriously and some don't.

However, Anushka took it very seriously as she thinks that this is the best opportunity for her to prove herself. But Siddharth is quite relaxed, reason you already know.

All the tests get finished in next three days. 

To Be Continued...

Do you think that Amit is thinking in the right direction?

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Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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