8. Amit's possessiveness

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Sidd: Okay! Now let's go to the class before the teacher comes.

Amit: Yes, please. But Anushka, please keep this as a secret only.

Anu: Yeah okay. Let's go.

They all go to their class and sit on their benches. Just after that, the teacher also comes in the class. And then, the class starts.

In the lunch,

Sidd and Amit open their lunch boxes and were about to start eating.

Meanwhile, Anu also comes to them, "Hi guys!"

Sidd: Hey!

Anu: Ah... if you don't mind, can I sit here and eat with you guys?

Sidd becomes nervous after listening that, as he never ate with any girl in the school. He looks at Amit and Amit is already looking at him.

Amit: Ah... Anushka, you go and eat with your female friends na.

Anu: Why? Is there any problem if I sit here you two?

Amit: No... nothing like that. But...

Sidd: Amit, it's okay. Anushka, please have a seat.

"Thank you!", she sits with them.

Then they all start eating together and while eating, they talk also a little bit.

After eating the lunch,

There is still some time left for the classes to be start. And Anu is still sitting with Sidd and Amit, talking with them.

Meanwhile, a girl of their class named Sara, comes to them.

Sara: Hi Siddharth!

Sidd: Oh hi!

Sara: Ah... have you made 5th chapter's notes in chemistry?

Sidd: Umm not completed yet. Will finish within 1-2 days.

Sara: Oh! After finishing, will you please give me those notes for a day?

Sidd: Okay! I'll tell you whenever I'll finish it.

Sara: Thank you!

Seeing that helping nature of Sidd, Anu gets impressed by him. And then Sara's eyes go on Anushka.

Sara: Hey Anushka! Have you eaten your lunch?

Anu: Yeah!

Sara: Then come with me. I'll introduce you to my friends from Arts and Commerce.

Anu: Yeah, sure!

And then Anu goes with Sara.

After that,

Amit: Bro! Don't you think you're being too much soft for Anushka?

Sidd: Me? And for her? No... I don't think so.

Amit: Then why did you allow her to eat with us? You never ate with any other girl of the class. I didn't see this in last 5 years.

Sidd: So...? Things do change with time. Did I invite her to have lunch with us? She came by herself, that's why I didn't say anything.

Amit: Are you saying the truth? Because... I'm having different kind of feeling in this matter.

Sidd: Dude! Control your feelings. And stop overthinking.

And after a while, the classes start again.

In the last period,

The teacher is absent today. Knowing that the class is free, some students go to the ground to play. Amit and Sidd have also planned to go to play there. They were about to go out of the class, but Anu calls Sidd from behind, "Siddharth!"

Sidd stops and turns back, "Yes?"

Anu: Are you going somewhere out?

Amit: Yeah... we're about to go to the ground. Now do you want to come there too with us?

Sidd looks at Amit, "You keep quiet na!", turns towards Anu, "Yeah, you say."

Anu: Ah... actually I needed your help in some derivations of Physics. Will you, please?

Sidd looks towards Amit first, who is nodding his head in no as he wants to go to play with Sidd. Then he again looks at Anu, who is already looking at him with so much expectations.

Sidd: Sure!

As soon as he says this, he looks at Amit and feels that he is very angry at him.

Sidd: Ah... Amit, you go na. I'll come to you after a while. Till then you go and play with others.

Amit doesn't say anything. He just looks at Anu once and then goes from there.

Sidd (to Anu): Yeah, come. Tell me in which questions or derivations you are having problems?

Anu brings her book and notebooks to Sidd and then starts asking the doubts. And Sidd explains all the problems to her very easily.

While Sidd is explaining her the derivations in her notebook, Anu looks at Sidd by putting her hand on her chin and she is adoring him.

After some time,

The school is about to over in 10 minutes and Sidd reaches to the ground. He looks for Amit among the boys who were playing there. Then he notices that Amit is sitting below a tree, not playing with them.

Sidd goes to him and sits beside him, "Hi bro!"

Amit doesn't reply to Sidd.

Sidd again tries to talk to him, "You came here to play na? Then why are you not playing here?"

Amit: Whatever I do... it's my wish. Why did you come here?

Sidd: Well, my answer is also the same. It's my wish!

Amit looks at Sidd angrily, but doesn't say anything more. And Sidd knows very well that Amit is angry with him.

After a silence of almost 4-5 minutes, finally Sidd speaks.

Sidd: Bro! Okay I'm sorry. You know what? The first day when she came to this school, and I didn't talk to her, she thought that I'm kinda arrogant. Though I cleared this misunderstanding later... but if I would have refused to help her, she might have taken her assumption right. That's why I helped her.

Amit: Okay, I understand man! But you also know how possessive I'm for you. And don't know why I'm having a feeling that she is gonna replace me very soon.

To Be Continued...

Will Amit's assumption come out true? 🙈😜

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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