14. Anu's concern for Sidd

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The next day,

As usual Sidd comes late in the school. His eyes are looking so tired as he didn't sleep the whole night to complete Vijay's homework.

Amit notices it, "Bro! What happened? Didn't you sleep last night?

Sidd replies with tiredness, "Yes man! I'm feeling so sleepy. And moreover, my hand is also aching."

"Why? What happened?", meanwhile Anu also comes to them.

Sidd puts his bag on his seat, "Nothing yar... I was just completing Vijay's homework the whole night."

Amit: What? Again? How much homework was pending of him this time?

Sidd: One week!

"Wait wait! Who is this Vijay?", Anu asks.

Amit: Arey he is Sidd's cousin. His mamaji's son.

Anu: Oh! Then why Sidd did his homework?

Amit: Because he is the number one lazy person who can't do any of his work by own.

"Amit...!", Sidd looks at him.

Amit: What? I'm saying right ha! Why do you do his homework? And I told you before also... if he asks you to do his homework, you write all the things wrong in his notebooks. He won't give you any homework after that.

Anu laughs, "Haha good idea!"

Amit: Isn't it?

Sidd: And what about he will get scolded by the teacher in school?

Amit: So what? I would say, he should get punished!

Sidd: Oh c'mon yar! Leave it. The class is also gonna start now. But... I don't know how I will attend the classes today. Amit, I'm not gonna anything today. I'll take the notes from you, okay?

Amit: Yeah, okay. No problem!

And suddenly Sidd remembers that Amit's handwriting is so terrible, "But your handwriting..."

"You can take my notes. My handwriting is clearly understandable hahaha.", Anu says.

Amit: Yeah yeah okay! Now don't make fun of my handwriting. Have you ever seen a doctor's handwriting? I'm just practicing that only.

"Ohoo!", Anu says in a sarcastic way.

Meanwhile, the school bell rings and the first period's time starts.

Anu: Sidd, you can do one thing.

Sidd looks at Anu with curious eyes.

Anu: If your sleep hasn't been completed, you can go to the back bench and take a power nap there. You'll feel better.

Sidd (in sarcasm): Hmm... so that I don't attempt the class and miss today's topic, isn't it?

Anu feels bad hearing that, "Don't say like that yar... I'm not so selfish. I was just saying it for..."

Sidd: Arey I was kidding dude! But yeah, I won't sleep during the class. And thanks, but don't worry about me, I'm fine.

"Okay then!", and Anu goes to her seat.

Then the teacher enters in the class and the class starts.

During the whole class, Sidd feels so sleepy that he tries to keep his eyes open forcefully.

And Anu's total concentration is on Sidd only. She is constantly looking at Sidd and feeling bad for him. But she can't do anything in this situation.

After a few more classes, the bell for the lunch rings.

Anu comes to Amit, "Listen, I've some work. I'm coming within some time and then we'll have lunch together, okay!", and then she goes out of the class.

After a while, Anu comes back to the class. She takes out her lunch box from the bag and comes to Amit and Sidd's seat. But Sidd is not there.

Anu: Arey! Where did Sidd go?

Amit points towards a bench in last corner, "He is sleeping!"

Anu: What? But the lunch is just for half an hour na.

Amit: I know! But he said that even that half-an-hour sleep is badly needed. We just have to wake him up before the lunch ends.

"Oh!", Anu looks towards Sidd, who is sleeping there by putting his head on the bench, "And... won't he eat then?"

Amit: No... at this time his sleep is important than food. So, it's okay. And even if he feels hungry later, he can eat in the break time. You leave na... let's start eating.

"Okay...!", Anu opens her lunch box.

And then both Anu and Amit finish their lunches.

After the lunch, someone calls Amit and Amit goes somewhere outside. And Anu talks with her other classmates.

A boy named Akash, who is the topper of Arts section and came in this class with a few friends, sitting a little away from Anu and her friends, sees that a boy is sleeping on the last bench, "Who is sleeping there on the last bench?"

"Umm... looks like it's Siddharth.", his fellow replies.

Akash: Siddharth? The sincerest boy of the class... He is sleeping in the class?

As there are not much people in the class right now, Anu can clearly hear his talks.

Akash: Let's go and wake him up.

As soon as Akash gets up from his seat to go to Sidd, Anu quickly goes to him, "Hey wait!"

Akash looks at Anu.

Anu continues, "Please don't disturb him. He hasn't slept the whole night."

Akash: So what? Is classroom a place to sleep?

Anu: Is this your classroom? Who are you to talk about our class's matter? If you were in his place then you would have understood his problem.

Akash: Why you are having so much problem man? Are you his bodyguard?

Anu (in anger): Think whatever you want to... I don't care! Just don't even go near him, or else, principal mam is my neighbor, you know na?

Akash looks at Anu with anger, "Go to hell!", and then he and his friends go from there. 

To Be Continued...

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