6. Being friends

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Anu starts laughing, "No no! Don't worry... I'm not getting angry with him. I'm just laughing on this thing... what we were thinking about each other, without even talking to each other!"

Sidd: Yeah, you are right. That's why I was saying Amit that we shouldn't judge anyone without knowing him/her,

Anu: Oh really?

Sidd: Yeah, you can ask him! I really said this thing yar.

Anu: Well... that's good. By the way, I would surely like to meet your friend Amit.

Sidd: Yeah, sure.

Anu and Sidd comes back to the class. There, a boy named Rakesh, stops them at the gate only.

Rakesh: Ah... Anushka, right?

Anu: Yeah!

"Hi! Myself, Rakesh.", he forwards his hand towards Anu.

Anu shakes hand with her, "Oh! Hello."

Sidd looks at Anu's hand in Rakesh's hand. He comes between them.

Sidd: Arey Rakesh, where is Amit?

Rakesh looks at here and there, "Don't know bro."

Sidd: Oh... Okay! (to Anu) Anushka, come I'll give you the notes.

Rakesh: Arey but she came just today na. At least give her some time to feel comfortable here. You can give her the notes later too. For now, let me talk to her.

Sidd: Offoo! Yeah, she came today only. But she is here for the whole year. You can talk to her at any other time. But first, let me give her the notes... the classes are gonna start at any time.

Anu: Yeah, Siddharth is right. Already I'm too much late to start my studies. We can talk later too, but studies first.

Rakesh: Okay! As you wish. See you later.

Then he goes out of the class and Anu and Sidd goes to Sidd's bench.

Sidd gives two notebooks to Anu, "See, I'm giving it you. But you have to return it to me tomorrow."

Anu: Tomorrow?

Sidd: Yeah! Or else, do one thing. You take one notebook today, do copy it within 2 days and after that, when you will return that, I'll give you the another one. As I also have to read these na.

Anu: Umm... okay. That will be better.

"Ok then.", Sidd gives her the notes.

And at the same time, the school bell rings and the lunch time is over.

Anu: By the way, where is Amit? I wanted to take class of him.

Sidd: Don't know where he is. Well, the lunch is over na. So now, he'll come back to class within a while.

Meanwhile, Amit comes to Sidd.

Amit: Hi bro! What are you doing?

Sidd: See... think of the devil and the devil is here.

Amit: Oh hello! Whom you are calling Devil? When you remember someone and that person comes in front of you at the same time, you should say, "You will live long."

Sidd: So... I said the same thing na, indirectly!

Amit: Means?

Sidd: Arey! What did I say right now? Think of the devil and the devil is here, right? And people say that the people with devilish nature live longer than good people, isn't it?

Amit: Umm... yeah! But how is it same?

Sidd: Offoo idiot! See, you are the devil, it means you will also live long na.

Amit: Yar you're right! I never thought about it. (He looks at Sidd's face who was trying to control his laughter) Wait, what! You are making fun of me?

And Sidd starts laughing. Along with him, Anu also laughs.

Anu: What a logic man!

Amit (to Anu): Hey! Why are you laughing?

Anu stops laughing and changes her tone to a little rude one, "Why? Should I take your permission to laugh?"

Amit: No... I was just...

Anu: What 'I was just...'? And how dare you to call me arrogant?

Amit looks at Sidd with bigger eyes, like he wants to ask, "Did you tell it to her?"

Sidd understood what Amit might be thinking, but he doesn't reply to him and makes an innocent face.

Amit, in anger but in a lower voice, "Dost... dost na raha..."

Anu: What are you murmuring? What did you say? I've contact with principal mam, so I'll take advantage of it? Now you just wait and watch! I'll actually do your complaint to the principal mam.

Amit: Arey! What did I do? What complaint you will do against me?

Anu: Anything! I'll tell mam that you gossip about me in the class and you are creating my wrong image in everyone's mind.

Amit: Arey Sidd! Why are you standing here like a statue? She is blaming your friend and you are not saying anything?

Sidd: Sorry bro! I can't help you. If I stand with you, it means I have to go against her and then she will complaint against me too.

Amit (with his melodrama): Shame on you! Don't call me bro. I never thought that you, my friend Siddharth, will leave me alone in problem.

He acts to cry, so that Anu feels pity on him and forgives him.

And again, Sidd and Anu start laughing very hard. Seeing them laughing, Amit understands that they pranked on him.

Amit looks at Sidd in anger, "Siddharth!!"

And at same time, the teacher enters in the class.

Anu: Arey! Sir is here. I'm going to my seat.

Sidd: Yeah ok.

Amit wanted to express his anger on Sidd, but as the teacher came, he can't do anything for now. He also sits on his seat and just keep staring at Sidd.

Sidd: Arey! What happened? Don't look at me like this or else you'll be in love with me. (laughs)

Amit: Dude! This wasn't expected from you. With that girl's company, you were making fun of your brother? When did you both become so friendly, ha?

Sidd: Bro! Just chill yar. She is not as rude as you were saying. Actually, she is a very nice girl. She is also like us, friendly and fun loving.

Amit: Ohoo! In just one meet, you got to know so much about her?

Sidd: Excuse me! Why I'm feeling that something rubbish is cooking in your mind?

Amit: Bro! My mind is not rubbish. What I'm thinking, is gonna true for sure, I can bet. Amit is saying it! 

To Be Continued...

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Signing Off~


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