18. Some gossips

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A few days later,

Anu and some of other girls of the class are sitting together and just passing their time by gossiping as the teacher is absent today. Well, they are actually talking about a boy of their class who is having affair with a girl of commerce stream.

Okay, Anushka is not gossiping actually, she is just listening to others.

Meanwhile, Sidd comes from somewhere outside. While entering in the class, he just colloids with a girl, Sara and her notebook falls down from her hand.

"Sorry!", Sidd picks up that notebook and gives it to her.

Sara takes back her notebook while having a wide smile on her face, "It's okay!"

And seeing all this, a girl names Poonam from that group, starts saying, "Arey you know what?"

"What?", another girl asks.

"This Sara has a crush on Siddharth.", Poonam replies.

As soon as Anu hears this, she gives a surprising reaction, "What?"

"Really? Who told you this?", another girl, named Nidhi, asks.

Poonam: Arey I usually sit with her na. I've noticed her looking towards Sidd so may times during the class. I think she has some feelings for Siddharth for sure.

"But... you shouldn't make such assumptions while there is no guarantee whatever you're saying is truth.", Anu doesn't believe it at first.

Poonam: Oh c'mon Anushka! Such things don't hide. Didn't you see that big smile on her face just a while ago?

And now slowly Anu also starts believing Poonam.

But Nidhi still doesn't believe, "But are you sure...?"

Poonam: Arey hundred percent!

"And what about Sidd... I mean Siddharth? Does he also...?", Anu asks curiously.

Poonam: Siddharth... I don't know actually. I never noticed if he also gives important to Sara.

Anu was about to say or ask something else, but then Sidd calls him, "Anu!"

Anu looks towards Sidd. He gestures Anu to come to him.

And Anu goes to him.

After she goes, Nidhi says to Poonam, "But I think that this Anushka has something with Siddharth."

Poonam: Hein? And why do you think so?

Nidhi: Because... you yourself see na! Since the first day, she has been with Siddharth and Amit. Anushka doesn't even have any female best friend in the class... that Siddharth is closest to her, I guess. And didn't you see? They call each other by nicknames. We know Siddharth from such a long time... but we never called him by his nickname. Only Amit used to have that right. But this Anushka calls him Sidd and he doesn't even say anything. Even he himself calls her Anu!

Poonam starts thinking on Nidhi's talks, "Umm... yeah, whatever you're saying is right. But Amit also calls him by her nickname na. Then it may also happen that she and Amit..."

"No yar...", Nidhi says, "I think Amit is just her friend. But Sidd is something more than just friend."

"No worries!", Poonam replies, "I'll find out what's actually going on here."

After some time,

Anu and Amit are just pulling each other's legs for no reason. Suddenly Anu sees that Sara is going to Sidd. And Anu remembers what Poonam said a while ago.

And then she also goes to Sidd to know why Sara is coming here. Amit also comes behind her.

Sara comes, "Hey Siddharth!"

Sidd looks at her and simply smiles, "Hi!"

Sara: Ah... Are you free for some time?

Sidd: Yes, why?

Sara: Actually, I needed your help in some numerical of Chemistry.

"Which question?", Anu replies before Sidd could say anything.

Sara: From chapter 6!

Anu: Chapter 6? Come, I'll tell you.

"Ah... thanks Anushka. But...", Sara replies with a weird smile, "Sorry... but I'm a bit more comfortable with Sidd. Actually, I always come to him only to clear my doubts. And he makes me understand the solutions very easily."

Anu (POV): What does she want to say?

Anu replies with an angry expression and a forceful smile on her face, "But Sara... you haven't even asked me a single question till date! Then how can you decide whose explaining style is better?"

Amit, who is there only, is confused if Anushka is being angry because Sara doesn't want to ask doubts to her, or because Sara wants to ask Sidd?

There, Poonam and Nidhi are watching all these from just a little away.

Poonam: See! I told you na... Sara has some feeling for Siddharth. That's why she wants to study with him only.

Nidhi: And can't you see how Anushka is trying to stop her? As she knows about Sara now, she is trying to keep her away from Siddharth, isn't it?

And both Poonam and Nidhi look at each other with confused faces though both of them want to prove themselves right.

"I think...", Sidd speaks while looking towards Sara, "Anushka is right. You should at least try once to learn from her."

*And Nidhi looks towards Poonam with confidence as if she won.

"But Siddharth...", Sara says, "You know na that making me understand something is not so easy. You know very well how to teach any topic to me. I don't have any personal enmity with Anushka, but I'm just comfortable with you only!"

*This time Poonam looks towards Nidhi with the same confident sight.

"Okay fine!", Sidd tries to sort out the matter, "Anu! Leave it na. Sara is saying right. She doesn't satisfy until she doesn't clear her doubts from me."

*Here Poonam gets one more point!

"But Siddharth...", Anu tries to say something.

But Amit interrupts, "Arey Anu! If you are so much fond of teaching... then I can be your student."

*And Poonam gets another point!! 

How's the chapter? 

Who is winning here? Hehe...

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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