Chapter 1

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    Nayoung walked down the street

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Nayoung walked down the street. She pushed the sunglasses back up onto the bridge of her nose as they slipped down. She was on her way to work. She worked at a club a couple of blocks down from her apartment. She wasn't the biggest drinker herself, but this job supplied her money to pay off bills.

She entered through the back door. Slipping off her jacket and sunglasses and shoved them into her locker. She grabbed out her name tag and pinned it into her shirt.

She went out to find her boss for her first task. She was assigned to work at the counter.

As the sun started to go down, more people filled the building. She took orders as the drunk people partied on the dance floor in front of her.

"Hey pretty lady," a man wobbling up to the counter said. "Wanna come to my place when you get off work?"

"Fuck off man," One of her co-workers told him. The drunk man grumbled before going off to find someone else.

"Thanks, BamBam," she told the red haired male.

"These people would have you devoured if it wasn't for me. You owe me big bucks," he joked, rubbing his fingers together to symbolize money,

"I can stand up for myself. They can't do anything to me. You just always step in before I can even say anything."

Nayoung went to the counter and poured one of the customers another shot.

"They wouldn't listen to you."

"They'll see that I'm not an easy target real quick." She moved her thumb across her throat to show her cutting it.

"I know not to get on your bad side," BamBam huffed. "That one time I stole your ice cream, I was punched in the neck and could hardly breathe. Jackson was getting ready to take me to the hospital."

They have been friends ever since she started working here. He came up and started to flirt as most guys did. He quickly received a punch in the stomach. They then talked for a bit and grew close quickly.

"Jackson texted earlier asking if we wanted to hang out after work," BamBam told her.

"What does he have planned this time?" Nayoung asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "This is Jackson. Who knows what he thinks?"

"I could say the same about you too, BamBam."

The door to the club swung open. The sound of the doors rang through the club and everyone grew quiet at the newcomers. A group of four people walked in. They each wore matching leather jackets.

"These are the people I told you about yesterday when I was working with Yugyeom. They're a biker gang apparently," BamBam whispered in her ear. He pointed to each member and told me about them.

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