Chapter 9

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    Nayoung stood at the bar at her work

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    Nayoung stood at the bar at her work. Yugyeom and BamBam were goofing off beside her, but she wasn't paying much attention to them. She was lost in her thoughts.

     She was off thinking about what she planned to do with Jaebum later. The biker promised to go out with her later.

     Nayoung was actually going to take him to a clothing shop and buy him new outfits to wear since she always complains about his choices when it comes to clothing. She was thinking about what style would look good on the male.

     "You should bring me along since I know plenty about men's clothes," BamBam said as he slid in next to her.

     "You're just going to be third-wheeling," Yugyeom stated. BamBam made an 'oh' sound and shrugged his shoulders.

      "I think it is best if you don't go," Nayoung told him.

     "Come on!" he begged. "I would like to pick out a few for myself as well. He has plenty of money to spare."

     "So this is about the money now." She looked over at him in disbelief.

     "Hey, just using your connections."

     Nayoung shook her head and went back to focus on her work. She filled up a few glasses and cleaned some of the empty tables.

     She checked the clock and noticed it was almost time for her to get off work. She began to work harder so she wouldn't have to stay any longer to finish up. Once the clock hit four, she headed to the back and checked out. She waved to Yugyeom and BamBam before she left.

     Nayoung walked out and saw Jaebum there waiting for her on his motorcycle. His helmet was off and he began to smile when he saw her walking over to him.

     "Hello there, beautiful," he smirked.

     "What's up?" Nayoung leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

     "I was thinking we could go there a little bit differently today."

     "What's on your mind?"

     "I wanted to be like old times." He turned and patted the space behind him, wanting me to ride on the back.

     "Alright," she smiled and took her helmet and snapped it in place before swinging her leg over the back and sitting down. Her hands moved to fit right around his waist. She hugged him closer, wanting to feel his warmth.

     "Let's go," he shouted and they took off out of the parking lot and to the mall.

     Nayoung loved the ride. It has been a while since they've done this. She mainly rides on her own bike. It felt nice to be so close to her boyfriend.

     They continued the ride until they pulled into the parking lot. Nayoung slid off the motorcycle while Jaebum turned it off. He helped her remove the helmets and then they strapped them to the handlebars.

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