Chapter 10

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Mentions abuse
I'll put something before and after incase if you wanted to skip.

    Nayoung walked into the back. Dumping all the dirty cups into the sink. She turned the faucet on as the water poured out onto the dishes. She got the soap and began to scrub all the dishes, making sure they had nothing on them besides soap. She would then place them into the dishwasher.

     Yugyeom popped his head inside the back. He showed her a quick smile. "Almost done," he reassures her.

     "I can't wait to leave," she replies back.

     Nayoung began to work faster in order to get them all done. Her shift was almost over. She and everyone else would be meeting with one another.

     She stepped out from the back once she was done. She stood in front of the bar. Her gaze lingered around the room. She stopped on one spot. It was the first time she met Jaebum. That day when BamBam told her about the hot biker gang that came in the previous day.

     The days when Jinyoung wouldn't stop flirting with her. Those times when she constantly had to tell him off. All the times that Jaebum had rescued her at the bathroom from any drunk men and also Jinyoung a couple of times too.

     All those days seem so long ago when it has really been a little over a month ago. She felt happier now. Meeting Jaebum had really changed her life around. He showed her what true love was.

     During her last heartbreak wasn't easy for her. It wasn't too long ago, a little bit before she met Jaebum. Nayoung had gone to Jackson's job during the time he was working at the bar. Some very handsome male had come over and started flirting with her when Jackson was in the back.

     Nayoung felt very attracted to this man. He was smart, was super funny, and had good looks. Any girl would fall for him. Nayoung was fooled by him. She trusted him too much.

    Just from that conversation, they grew close to one another. Nayoung had given him her phone number to call her whenever. She really felt comfortable with the male. They talked to one another until the bar closed early in the morning.

    They would later go on their first date. He took her to a nice restaurant. Nayoung couldn't believe all the food that was placed all around the table that evening. She wanted to stuff all the food into her mouth, but she tried to stop herself in order to look nice in front of her date.

    After about a few months, he had finally asked her to become his girlfriend. Nayoung quickly accepted after waiting for this moment ever since they first met. The one thing is that she would regret this for the rest of her life.

    Things changed a lot once they started dating. He stopped being flirty and just nice to her.  He had forced her to move into his apartment and she wasn't allowed to sleep in the bed next to him. Nayoung had to stay out on the couch.

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