Chapter 4

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    Nayoung rose from her bed

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Nayoung rose from her bed. She glanced down at her phone. Pressing the button to show the clock. It read 5:30 pm. Her eyes grew big and leaped out of her bed.

She rushed towards the bathroom and quickly turned the shower on. She tried her best to scrub her hair with shampoo and conditioner. Making sure that it was all rinsed out, she turned the knob and the shower shut off. She leaped out and grabbed her towel. She wrapped it around her as she ran out of the bathroom.

She opened her closet and scanned her clothes before pulling out a white crop shirt with army green pants. To add to the outfit, she grabbed a black leather jacket. She sat in front of the mirror and applied some light makeup and checked her phone once again. The time was 5:45 pm.

She finished up putting her makeup on and ran to the door and slipped on some black shoes and headed out after grabbing her keys.

She got to her car and checked the time one more time. It read 5:50 pm. She felt proud of herself for getting ready so fast. She slipped the keys into the ignition. She backed out of the parking space and took off towards the club.


Nayoung pulled into the club. She looked around to see if Jaebum was already there. The biker wasn't anywhere to be seen. So she pulled into a lot and looked around for the male.

"Nayoung!" A voice shouted at her. She looked over to see BamBam off near the back of the building. "What are you doing here? You aren't working today."

"I'm actually meeting someone here," I told him.

"Ooh... is someone going on a date?" BamBam slid closer to her. A smirk was plastered on his face.

"Fuck off." She just shoved the male away. "I'm going to learn how to ride."

"To ride? You're going to ride a motorcycle?" He raised his eyebrows. "How did you get a motorcycle and who is going to teach you?"

"That is a secret." It was her turn to smirk. BamBam pouted and was called back into the building to continue working.

Then Jaebum pulled into the parking lot and gave her a small wave. She walked over to where he was getting off the bike. He removed the helmet and smiled at her.

"Are you ready?" he asked. Nayoung gave a quick nod. He handed her the helmet. "Wear this." She took the helmet and stuck her head inside. Jaebum saw her struggle with the straps and leaned down to help her. Because of the action, Nayoung's cheeks showed a hint of blush.

Nayoung then went over to the bike. She swung her leg over and sat there as Jaebum explained some of the things on the bike.

"This is where you'll turn the bike on. Here is the brake and turn this for the gas." Nayoung nodded and retained all the information that Jaebum told her.

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