chapter 3.

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POV *Emelia*
I get up out of bed and go down stairs to the living room where I find my sister sleeping on the couch. I totally ignore her and walk into the kitchen thinking to myself that she is probably drunk. I open the fridge and take out the orange juice. As I reach my arm out, I notice the old scars on my wrists. the ones from the very bad days. but I stopped, I had to stay strong even when the times were horrible. I always wear long sleeved sweaters and shirts that cover my arms so no one will notice them. People just don't understand, they try to help when they find out but they don't know that they are the reason. I open the cabinet and stand on my tippy toes to get a glass. I'm relatively tall but I could never reach the top shelf of the cabinet. Thoughts of my mother picking me up and holding me to just the right hight to grab a glass as a child go through my head. She left us. they left us. I think about the times me and my father decorated for Christmas. This year will be our first Christmas without mom and dad. It would be just Liz and I. Liz (my sister) was always a rebel, she goes to party's late and night and tries to sneak out so I wouldn't know because she thinks I would be worried. (which I am) but I always know when she leaves. Remembering my childhood reminds me of Michael. "He's famous now. He doesn't even remember you. you're not worth his time. He's not worth your time." My sister tells me that all the time, yet I still keep thinking of him. I feel as though one day he will come back, just to see me.
My sister walks into the kitchen, grabs something from on top of the fridge, then turns to me. She looked like a monster. Bags under her darkened eyes, her eyelids drooping. "What happened to you?" I ask her with a smirk on my face. "Shut up Em. You know I don't remember." she says as she takes pops an Advil into her mouth. I look down and giggle. "I got a notification from twitter earlier Emelia. 5sos tweeted. They are coming back here for the holidays." Liz knows how much I love them. Especially because Michael. "Really?!" I screech like a 5 year old fangirling. "ya gurl, they are coming in tomorrow." Liz says with a smile on her face, knowing how happy she had just made me in telling me that. "Yas! Thank you so much Liz, for telling me that!" I yell back to her as I run into my room. I sit down on the corner of my bed and realize how much I fangirled. Too much, for no reason. it's not like they are coming to see me or anything. they are coming to see there family, not me. I need to calm down a tad.
I grab my guitar and start playing some chords. apparently I was pretty bored because I sat there for 3 hours and wrote a song. I quests you could say that I sing. I'm not too good at it though. I stand up and go through my dresser to find my outfit for tomorrow. I sometimes do this when I'm bored. I pull out a pair of ripped acid washed skinny jeans and a flannel shirt with my favorite pair of converse.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring
My phone loudly vibrates. I look down at it. It was Joseph. "ugh." I say out loud to myself. "hello?" I answer the phone. "Babe. I miss you. Hang out tomorrow." Joe says demandingly. I politely turn him down and he hangs up the phone with the word "whatever." I hate him. I don't even know why I'm dating him in the first place. I look at my clock and realize that it's already 10:30 at night. I slip on my pajamas, shut off the overhead lights, and crawl into bed having dreams about what might happen tomorrow. Maybe I will see him again.


I have Good Girls by 5sos stuck in my head... alright. more coming soon.

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