chapter 12.

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Video: Shawn Mendes - Aftertaste

POV: *Mikey*
It was peculiar. Seeing Emelia, the love of my life, kiss Luke Hemmings. My best friend. I know it was just a stupid game. Spin the bottle. But it seems like much more. The way they looked at eachother broke my heart a little bit more each time I saw them together.
I walk into the bedroom where Luke is sitting on his bed smiling down at his phone.

"Um, what's up?"

I ask him with curiosity.

He doesn't answer. He continues typing on his phone and smiling widely.


I pause thinking for a moment.

"who are you texting?"

I ask trying to get a glimpse of his phone screen.

"A friend."

He says looking up at me as the smile disappears when he sees my serious look.

"Luke, tell me who you are talking to."

I demand.


He pauses and takes a breath.

"I'm texting Emelia."

He says looking back down at his phone.



Later that day, I text Emelia. I need to know if she still loves me as much as I love her.

Me: hey.

Emelia: hi

Me: what's going on.

Emelia: what do you mean?

Me: I love you Emelia. Apparently you don't love me anymore. If you ever did in the first place.

Emelia: I don't know what to say Michael.

Emelia: I did love you.

She did love me.

Meaning not anymore.

Me: why Luke? I've loved you since we first met. Luke has never paid any attention to you. I'll I've done my whole life was think about you and how to get you back.

She didn't answer after that.


I wait hours and hours. Still no text back.


I think to myself.


It was true. What I texted to Emelia. I did think about her. all the time. Everyday. Every hour. Every second. Every concert that my band played in. I would scan the room over and over in hope to find that she was there. To see me. To see my band play.

She was there sometimes. When the concerts weren't too far. But I'd never get the chance to say hi.


10:00 a.m.

"Michael wake up! We gotta go!"

Calum yells as he throws a pillow at me.

"Ugh, whyyyy."

"The concert! It's today. We were supposed to be there 2 hours ago!"


The concert is loud. I look around at the filled seats.
Emelia. Sitting in the front row. Middle stage. Where Luke stands.

When Emelia came to our concerts, she would get a tickets to sit on my side of the stage, every time.

But not this time. That's how I can tell.

My side of the stage had plenty of extra seats.

Every other seat in the place was full.

I guess fans don't really appreciate me as much as the other boys. I guess they don't like me.

Singing Amnesia was the hardest. Knowing that song was written for Emelia. Knowing she wasn't mine anymore.
Everything is falling apart.

My girlfriend.

My fans.

My band mates.

"I need to get out of this place."


That concert was our last before our break.

The boys and I decided awhile ago that we would stay in Sydney for break.

But I can't.

I can't be anywhere near the boys, or Emelia.


I buy one plane ticket without anyone knowing.

It's a one way ticket.

To California.

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