chapter 18.

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POV: *Mikey*


"Ring ring"


"Hi, is this Michael Clifford?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"This is the hospital. Your friend, Emelia, got in an accident and we're gonna need you to come down here."

"Have you tried to call her sister?"

"Oh, you haven't heard. Emelia's sister passed away earlier today, due to drug overdose."

"I'm on my way."

I drop the phone and run to the car. Luke and Ashton came with me.


17 minutes later we rush into the hospital in search for Emelia.

The nurse leads us into the hospital room where a small hospital bed sits in the middle of the room. There, laying still, with her eyes closed, cuts and bruises and blood all over, is Emelia.

Tears fill in the corners of my eyes. I look over at Luke and see a tear stream down his face.

"What the fuck happened..." Ashton says stunned at the sight.

"Car accident. Major injuries." The nurse announces.

"What kind of injuries?" Luke asks.

"Brain injuries. Broken bones. And as you can see from all the cuts and bruises... She's lucky to be at least a little bit alive at the moment." the nurse says seriously looking at us as we all look down at the floor in grief.

"When will she wake up?" I ask.

"We don't know, could be very soon, could be far from now, could be never. She's not responding to anything, but her heart is still beating."

"When she does wake up, will she remember anything?" Ashton asks.

"There is a fifty percent chance that she will remember at least some major memories." The nurse says.

"So there's also a fifty percent chance that she won't." Ashton continues.

"Mhm." the nurse says nodding her head.

The nurse leaves us alone in the room and I walk over to Emelia. I sit down on the chair beside the bed and grab her hand. It's cold, boney, and purple.

A tear drops from my eye as Luke and Ashton put their hands on each of my shoulders.

"She has to wake up. She's going to. I just know it." Ashton tries to make the best of it.

"Her sister died earlier today." I mumble.

"That means we are all she has now. We are going to take care of her. Even if that means she has to come on tour with us." Luke says confidently.

Ashton and I nod our heads in agreement.

"What are we gonna do till she wakes up?" Ashton asks.

"I don't know."

The heart rate machine beeps quickly.

"Oh no. Nurse! Nurse!" Ashton calls.

The nurses and doctors rush in and immediately pull the hospital bed out of the room and into the ER.

Two days later.

"She's awake now. She's ready to see all of you."
The nurse announces to us with a smile.

Ashton, Luke, and I stand up out of the chairs we have slept in for the past two days.

The nurses lead us to the hospital room.

The first thing we see is Emelia laying on the bed with her eyes open.

"Hi." I say.

Emelia smiles slightly.

"Hi." She says in a quiet, raspy voice.

There was a large purple ring around both of her eyes. Her skin is pale. And there are bandages all over her.

I sit down next to her.

"How are you feeling, Em?"

"I feel good." she says as the smile fades.

"I want to go home, Michael."
The says quietly.

"I want you to come home. With me, and Luke, and Ashton."

"Please tell them to let me go home." She says shivering.

"You have cuts all over you Emelia."

"Where is Lizzy?" She asks me.

My heart drops.

"Em. Liz passed a few days ago."

"What." Emelia asks confusingly.

"She took too many drugs. You were the one that found her." I try to explain.

"I want to go home, Michael."
She repeats.

"I know, you told me. I want you to come home. You just can't leave yet."

"Why?" She asks.

"Emelia. You need to rest for a little. I'll see you later."

I kiss Emelia on the forehead and leave the room along with Ashton and Luke.


"Something's definitely wrong with her brain." Ashton says as we sit back down in the chairs.

"Yeah." Luke agrees.

"It's heartbreaking to see her like that." I say.


2 days later.

"Emelia is ready to go home now." The doctor says with a smile.

"Yay!" Luke says.

Emelia walks into the lobby. She has a blue cast on her left arm and an air boot on her right leg. But no crutches.

"Emeli-" I start.

"Shhh," she is standing in front of me. Smiling.

"I love you." She continues and then kisses me.

She hugs Luke and Ashton.

"Let's go home." Ashton says.

"Where?" Luke asks.


We decide that Ashton, Luke, Calum, and I will move into Emelia's house and live with her.

We move all of our stuff into the house.

We all get our own room. I picked the one next to Emelia's.

It's a new beginning.



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