chapter 21.

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Video: Right Now - One Direction

POV: *Emelia*


After a long while of fighting a battle of living, I finally get to go back home with only a small headache.
The boys comfort me the best they can and try way too hard.

I sit on the couch looking at a magazine Calum had bought me earlier at the corner store.
"Do you need or want anything?" Ashton walks into the room and looks at me.
"No thank you, Ashton."
"Alright, let us know if you change your mind." He says walking back into the kitchen.

Then Luke walks into the room with my favorite coffee mug filled with tea. Alongside of him Michael with a plate of toast.
I laugh a little when they walk in.
"Tea and toast?" Luke asks.
"Alright." I say giggling as they place the mug and the plate on the table next to the couch.
"Do you need anything else Em?" Michael asks as he leans in and kisses my forehead gently.
"No. But thank you for the tea and toast, even though it really wasn't necessary."
"Yes it was. Tea and toast is always good for headaches." Luke says with a smile.
I smile back at him and then both of them leave the room to let me rest.

I touch the bandage on my head and close my eyes. I slowly fall asleep.

POV: *Luke*

"Michael, do you think we will ever have to go back to that dumb hospital?" I ask.
"I hope not. Those were the scariest weeks of my entire life." He answers looking me in the eyes.
"Same, mate."

I go to check on Emelia once more. She is sound asleep on the couch and a smile appears on my face seeing her back home. I thought she wasn't going to make it. The nurses told us every time they came into the waiting room she was going to die really soon.
I stand at the front of the living room looking at Emelia. I think about how lucky we are to have her back here with hope.
Calum walks into the room and stands next to me. "Man, I'm so happy." He says turning towards me. "Me too." I turn towards Calum and he hugs me tightly. He lets go, takes a step back, and looks at me seriously.
"Luke, what are you gonna do about the whole loving Emelia fiasco between you and Mikey?" Calum asks crossing his arms against his chest.
"Cal, I honestly don't know. I really do love her. I just don't want to lose a friend. Michael has always been there for me and I don't want love to get in the way of that. You know?" I reply.

"So you are gonna stop loving her." Cal says.
"I can't just stop loving her. Actually, I don't think I'll ever be able to not love her."

"Aw man, you're in way too deep."

"Tell me about it." I grab a glass of water and run up the stairs to my bedroom. I had to think alone.

POV: *Mikey*

"Ash, is Emelia my girlfriend?" I ask Ashton seriously.
"Dude, what are you talking about? Obviously she's your girlfriend."
"I never really asked her if she wanted to be. Maybe when she gets a little better I'll take her out to dinner or something." Ideas fill into my head of where we could go or what we can do.

"Mikey, be honest, do you ever see you and Emelia getting married in the future?"

I think for a second and then look over at Ashton.
"Ya. I just don't know if she sees the same thing." I reply.

"You're almost 20 years old. Emelia is turning 19 in a week. Maybe you could propose in a few years or so."


"Are you gonna ask her if she wants to come on tour with us?"

"Well, I mean, she doesn't really have a choice. I am not letting her stay here alone while we travel the world."

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