Chapter Two

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Ron walked over to Pansy and Ginny, his face livid. Pansy was scared of him at that moment, not that she would ever admit it. Then, much to her and Ginny's surprise, he smiled at them. "You know, I don't think I wanted to trust Ginny's judgment about you at first, but I took some time to think about it, and I discovered that your instincts have never been wrong before, Ginny. Personally, if you're happy, then I'm happy, too," he said, and Ginny got up and hugged him. "Thank you, Ron. I'm truly happy with Pansy. She means the world to me, and it means so much to me to know that you're happy if I am," Ginny said happily. "No problem. I'm your brother, after all. Even if I have been overprotective of you at times, it's just because I care so much about you. I love you, Gin," Ron said. Pansy stood up, still somewhat shocked by Ron's reaction. "Pansy, I'm sorry I didn't trust you at first," he said. "Oh, you don't need to apologize. I didn't exactly do much to gain your trust over the last seven years, so you had every right not to trust me," she said. "Yeah, I just feel bad about it. I will say this, though: take good care of my sister, okay?" He replied. "I will, Ron. I promise," Pansy replied. Ron gave her a nod before returning to the Gryffindor table.

After lunch, they didn't have any more classes together, but they each thought of one another during their time apart. Pansy was more fidgety than normal, particularly her right hand, which was the hand she usually held Ginny's hand with. Dinner couldn't come fast enough for her, and she couldn't focus on much of anything except for Ginny. When dinner finally came, she grinned excitedly when she saw Ginny at the Gryffindor table, saving a seat for her. She took it happily, then gave Ginny a quick kiss before starting to eat her dinner. Ron came in a few minutes later and sat on Pansy's other side and began to eat as well. Hermione was sitting in the spot next to him, and she seemed distracted by something. "Hey, Hermione, what's going on? You seem distracted," Ron said. "Huh? Oh, um, it's nothing..." she said unconvincingly. "Seriously, what is it?" He asked. "I... I don't feel... comfortable telling you yet," she replied nervously. "Oh, okay," Ron said, returning to his dinner. When he wasn't looking, Hermione looked at Pansy and Ginny and mouthed, "I'll tell you guys after dinner in my dormitory." They nodded and finished their dinner, then went with Hermione to her dormitory.

"So, what's up, Hermione?" Pansy asked. "The thing is... I'm not sure if Ron still loves me the same way," Hermione said quietly. Ginny sat down on her bed and gestured to Hermione to join her. When she did, Pansy sat down on Hermione's other side. "Do you want me to talk to him?" Ginny asked. "No! I don't want him to think that I don't trust him!" Hermione protested. "Sorry I asked..." Ginny said quietly. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," Hermione said, "I only said what I did because... because Ron always seems distracted by something as of late, and I just can't help but wonder if he's got his eye on someone else." "I know that my brother loves you, 'Mione. And if he doesn't, then he doesn't deserve you. It's as simple as that," Ginny said softly. "Yeah, you're right. I don't know why I ever doubted him," Hermione replied, hugging Ginny and Pansy.

When Saturday morning arrived, Pansy had a surprise planned for Ginny, and she hoped that it would take her breath away. She met up with Ginny in the Entry Hall and took her hand. "I've got a surprise for you, Princess," Pansy told her with a smile. "I'm looking forward to it, sweetheart," Ginny replied with interest. "I really hope that you enjoy it, Princess. I was up all night working on it," Pansy said, gently leading Ginny toward the black lake. She put a blindfold on Ginny when they were almost there, telling her that she could only take it off when she told her to. Once they arrived at the surprise, Pansy told Ginny she could take the blindfold off. When she did, her eyes went wide, and she began to tear up. "Oh. My. Goodness. You did all this for me, sweetheart?" She asked. She was looking at a beautiful picnic, complete with activities to enjoy the day with Pansy. "Do you like it?" Pansy asked, and Ginny beamed at her. "Like it? I don't like it. I love it!" She replied happily, hugging Pansy tightly. "Wow, you're a lot stronger than you look, Princess," she said breathlessly, and Ginny loosened her grip. "Sorry. It's just that I'm so happy about this! It's amazing! Nobody's ever done anything like this for me before!" She said. Pansy responded by pulling her into a kiss, then gently picked her up and spun her around in a circle.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there's one more surprise. Cover your eyes, and don't peek, okay?" Pansy asked. "Yeah, I understand," Ginny replied, closing her eyes and covering them with her hands. Pansy quietly snuck around to the opposite side of a nearby tree, retrieving a small animal cage before returning to Ginny. She opened the cage and swept the small kitten that was inside into her arms. "Okay, you can open your eyes now," she said. Ginny uncovered and opened her eyes, gasping when she saw the adorable kitten Pansy was holding. "Aww, you got me a kitten?" Ginny asked. "Yeah. I know how much you like cats, so I talked to Professor McGonagall about going to Hogsmeade to get a kitten for you, and she said that I could," Pansy explained as she handed the kitten to Ginny. "That's so thoughtful of you! You're such a sweetheart, Pansy!" She said. "Thanks, Princess. I love you so much," she replied with a smile, watching Ginny cuddle with her new kitten. "I couldn't possibly imagine a better day than this, sweetheart," Ginny said happily.

"I  don't think that I could, either, Princess," Pansy replied with a huge smile on her face, which filled Ginny with affection for her. "You should smile like that more often, sweetheart. You look so beautiful when you smile," she said, and Pansy blushed. "Well, with you in my life now, Princess, I have so much more to smile about," Pansy said sweetly, softly kissing Ginny's forehead. "You're the light of my life, sweetheart. I don't even want to think about how much my life would be different without you in it," Ginny said, gently petting her kitten. "I feel the same way about you, Princess," Pansy replied with a smile. "So, what do you think you're going to name your kitten?" She asked curiously. "Hmm..." Ginny said, screwing up her face trying to think. "I think that I'll name her Violet, because her eyes are the color of violets," she said. "I think that's a beautiful name, Princess," Pansy said, making a face at Violet, who eyed her curiously, as if unsure of what Pansy was doing. Ginny giggled at Violet's reaction, and Pansy gently pet Violet's head.

That afternoon, the pair played around and had fun trying out all of the activities that Pansy had set up. They played tag, a game popular with Muggle children that Pansy had heard of one time from Harry Potter, albeit indirectly. Ginny was "it" first, and she chased after Pansy, who was very quick on her feet, and therefore difficult to catch. She avoided Ginny several times before she tripped on a branch she hadn't seen and fell to the ground. Ginny ran over to her and checked to make sure that Pansy was okay. "I - Ouch! - I think I'm okay," she told Ginny, grabbing her right leg. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" Ginny asked in concern. "No, I'm not okay, Princess. I think I need to go to the hospital wing and get checked out," Pansy said, wincing in pain, holding her leg. "Here, I'll help you up, and we'll go to the hospital wing," Ginny said, gently pulling Pansy back into a standing position. Pansy lifted her right foot off the ground, but when they tried to move, Pansy cried out in pain, so Ginny helped lower her back to the ground. "Oww! Princess, how are we gonna get to the hospital wing when I can't walk?" Pansy asked. "I'll carry you, then," Ginny declared, gently placing her hands under Pansy before lifting her up in her arms. She had Violet follow them to the hospital wing, where Ginny carefully laid Pansy on a bed before leaving to get Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey checked Pansy to see what her injury was, and informed Ginny that Pansy had twisted her right ankle and fractured her right foot, and she had also pulled a muscle. "So... She's okay?" Ginny asked nervously. "Yes, she's fine, but I'd like her to stay here overnight, and take some Skele-Gro to help her heal," Madam Pomfrey replied. "Okay. Can I stay with her for the night?" Ginny asked. "I don't see why not. Just don't bother her much," Madam Pomfrey said. Ginny thanked her before she sat down in a chair beside Pansy. Violet leapt up into Ginny's lap, curled up, and fell asleep. Pansy looked at Ginny and smiled sleepily. "Hey, Princess. I'm glad you enjoyed your surprise today," she said. "Thank you, sweetheart. Sleep well tonight," Ginny said, lightly kissing Pansy. "You sleep well too, Princess," Pansy replied with a yawn. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Word Count: 1637 words

New chapter for y'all to enjoy! Also, if anyone wants to send me some fan art of Pansy and Ginny for me to use in the story, I'd appreciate it. I'm having a lot of fun writing this book so far, and I'm going to be introducing a surprise new character in the next chapter. Bye for now!

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