Chapter Nine

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October 12, 1999

"Do you want me to get you anything while I'm out, sweetie?" Ginny asked loudly. "No, I'm good, but thank you for asking," Pansy replied loudly. Ginny left to go shopping in Diagon Alley, while Pansy was staying home with Violet. Currently, Pansy was sitting on the sofa, and Violet was curled up in her lap. She seemed to want to snuggle with Pansy, so she readjusted so that they could snuggle together. "So, what shall we do today?" She asked the cat, who looked at her. "Yeah, I don't know either," Pansy said with a laugh. She petted Violet, who purred softly and closed her eyes. She started singing softly to herself, unknowingly causing Violet to fall asleep. When she stopped singing, Pansy discovered that the cat had fallen asleep, and she thought about it for a bit. I didn't intend for that song to be a lullaby, but it definitely turned out to be one, She thought to herself. When Ginny returned, Pansy told her all about what happened, and Ginny was intrigued by it. "Do you know what this could mean?" She asked. "Um, no," Pansy replied. "If we do decide to have kids, we can sing that lullaby to them, and they'll fall right asleep," Ginny said. "Yeah! I never thought of that!" Pansy replied. Ginny scratched behind Violet's ears with a smile on her face. "So, do you want to do something fun, sweetie?" Ginny asked. "Uh, sure. What do you have in mind?" Pansy asked. "It's a surprise," Ginny replied. Pansy smiled knowingly at her. "I see what you're doing. You're doing something for me that I've done for you in the past," Pansy said. "Yeah, in that I'm surprising you," Ginny replied.

Ginny blindfolded Pansy to keep her from peeking at the surprise, and when they reached the spot where the surprise was, they stopped. Ginny took the blindfold off of Pansy, who gasped in surprise. She saw an amazing stained-glass window depicting her proposal to Ginny. "How did you do this? It's beautiful!" Pansy said excitedly. "Well, I made it from memory, and it turned out much better than I thought it would. Think of it as... as a way to remember one of the happiest days in our lives that we shared together," Ginny said. "I love it! You're so talented, my beautiful Princess," Pansy said. "Thank you, sweetie," Ginny replied. Pansy kissed Ginny softly. When they separated, Ginny grinned widely. "I'm glad you love it so much. I worked really hard on it," Ginny said. "I appreciate you going to all the trouble to make this for me," Pansy replied. "It's no problem. I wanted to do something special for you," she replied. "So, anyway, what do you want to do now?" Pansy asked. "Anything you want, sweetheart," Ginny said. Pansy had to think about that for a bit, because there wasn't really much that she wanted to do. "I can't think of anything, Princess," she said. "We could go outside and jump into piles of leaves," Ginny suggested. "That sounds like fun. I'm in," Pansy replied.

A few minutes later, they had gone outside and started jumping into piles of leaves. Ginny slipped slightly and fell down, but got right back up and jumped into a nearby leaf pile. Pansy unknowingly jumped into the same pile of leaves, landing on top of Ginny. "Oof! Oh, heh... Hey sweetheart. Nice of you to drop by," Ginny said breathlessly. "Oh, sorry about that, Princess," Pansy replied, moving to get up, and Ginny grabbed her arm to keep her in place. "No, sweetheart. I like this. It feels... it just feels right to me, you know?" She asked. "Hmm... Yeah, it does feel right," Pansy replied.

Later in the day, they went back inside to take their showers, and then they had dinner together. "I had fun out in the backyard today, sweetheart," Ginny said. "I did too, my beautiful Princess. It was wonderful," Pansy replied, smiling affectionately. Ginny looked at something behind Pansy, a confused look on her face. "What?" Pansy asked nervously. "Behind you," Ginny said. Pansy turned around and saw Andy Black and Persephone Malfoy. "Oh, hey guys! What're you doing here?" Pansy asked in surprise. "We wanted to come see you guys! It's been a while since we last got the chance to talk to you!" Persephone replied excitedly. "I'm glad to see you guys again. How have you been?" Pansy asked. "Great, you?" Andy asked. "We've been pretty good," Pansy replied. "We've got an announcement for you guys," Persephone said, capturing Ginny's and Pansy's attention. "What is it?" Ginny asked. "Andy and I are engaged!" Persephone replied excitedly. "Congratulations!" Ginny said. "Yeah, congratulations!" Pansy said, and both of them gave Andy and Persephone a hug. "We were wondering if we could stay here with you guys for a little while, actually," Andy said. "Sure. We've got plenty of room here," Pansy said. "Thank you," Andy said. "No problem," Pansy replied.

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