Chapter Six

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August 6, 1999

Pansy woke up the morning of her birthday with a smile, knowing that it was also her wedding day. She went downstairs for breakfast with a skip in her step, and she found the rest of the Weasley family waiting for her. "Hey guys," she said as she sat down. "Good morning, Pansy. Happy birthday," Mrs. Weasley said in response. "Good morning, and happy birthday, sweetheart. Are you excited for the wedding this afternoon?" Ginny asked with a smile. "You know it, Princess," Pansy replied, giving her a quick kiss. After everyone had breakfast, Pansy opened her birthday presents. From Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, she received a Weasley sweater, which they explained was their way of welcoming her to the family. From Ron, she received a handmade bracelet that was painted half red and half green. From Ginny, she received a gold locket with a picture of each of them inside. "Oh, Princess, this must've cost you a fortune!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, I used all of my life's savings to get it for you," Ginny said. "Oh, Princess, you didn't have to do that!" Pansy replied. "I know I didn't. I wanted to. I wanted to get you something special, seeing as it's not only your birthday, but also the day that we're going to get married," Ginny replied with a smile. Pansy grinned and hugged her, then turned around and pulled her hair away from her neck so that Ginny could put the locket on. "It looks beautiful on you, sweetheart," Ginny said happily. "Thank you, Princess. You're the best," Pansy replied, making Ginny blush.

They spent the morning helping set up the wedding, and before long, it was time for them to get ready for the ceremony. They each went to separate rooms to get ready, each of them accompanied by their bridesmaids. Pansy had picked Astoria Greengrass to be her maid of honor, and her other bridesmaid was Parvati Patil. Ginny had picked Persephone Malfoy to be her maid of honor, and Luna Lovegood as her other bridesmaid. "Ginny's such a lucky woman to be marrying you, Pansy," Astoria said with a smile. "No, I'm lucky to be marrying her, Astoria," Pansy replied. "Either way, I'm happy for you, Pansy," Astoria said. "Thanks," Pansy said. "No problem," Astoria replied as she zipped up Pansy's wedding dress. Pansy felt a bit nervous, but brushed it off. She just couldn't wait to be married, and she could hardly contain her excitement.

Later that evening, Ginny waited at the altar for Pansy to arrive. She was looking stunning in a flowing lavender gown, and she had a flower in her hair. Meanwhile, Pansy was having a nervous breakdown, afraid that Ginny might have changed her mind about marrying her. "Pansy, look at me, please," Persephone said, and Pansy lifted her head to look at her. "I've been best friends with Ginny for eight years now, and I can tell you right now that she's not going to change her mind about marrying you. I know how she gets when she's in love with someone, and I can confidently tell you that she is madly in love with you," Persephone said. "Y-Yeah... you're right. She's never given me any reason to doubt her love for me," Pansy sniffled. "There you go. Now, can I fix your makeup really quick?" Persephone asked. "Of course," Pansy replied, and Persephone fixed her makeup and put her veil on before she and the other bridesmaids went back to their places. Pansy took a few deep breaths, then walked out of the house and made her way down the aisle, her smile widening when she saw Ginny waiting for her at the altar.

When she reached the altar, she faced Ginny, who carefully lifted her veil. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart," Ginny said. "So do you, Princess," Pansy replied. The same small man who had been at Dumbledore's funeral two years prior, and who had officiated Bill and Fleur's wedding, was officiating their wedding. When he got to the vows, he had Ginny go first. "Pansy Parkinson, even though we started out as bitter enemies, I always knew that, deep down, you had a kind heart. I stand where I am now, looking at the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and I am filled with... with overwhelming love for you, and I know that love will never, ever fade away," she said, and then it was Pansy's turn. "Ginevra Weasley, even though I was far from kind to you for six years, I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the woman for me. I knew that you'd save me from the darkness that I had in me, and, after the war, I thought about telling you how I truly felt about you over that summer. By the time we were on our way back to Hogwarts, I had resolved that I would tell you how I felt, and if you weren't interested, then I would move on. Then, you surprised me by saying that you were in love with me before I got the chance to tell you the same thing. I am truly thankful that I stand here before you as your bride today, and I hope that our love will be eternal," she said. "Do you, Pansy Parkinson, take Gonevra Weasley, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The small man asked Pansy. "I do," she replied. "And do you, Ginevra Weasley, take Pansy Parkinson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked Ginny. "I do," she replied. "Then I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride," he said, and Ginny pulled Pansy into a kiss, tangling her hands in her hair.

At the wedding reception, Pansy and Ginny danced together, captivating everyone else with their beauty and grace. Slowly but surely, the dance floor began to fill up with the guests of the wedding, eventually leaving little room for anyone to dance. Little did Ginny know, Pansy had two surprises for her left in the evening, the first of which was about to begin.

The lights dimmed, the music stopped, and everyone stopped dancing and began to look around. After several minutes of waiting, the lights brightened again to reveal Andy Black standing on the stage alone with a microphone in his hand. "All right, I think this thing is working," he said offhandedly. "Anyway, please welcome The Weird Sisters!" He said enthusiastically, jumping off the stage, where the popular all-wizard band was now setting up. They began to play a song, and Ginny looked at Pansy with wide eyes. "How did you... they're one of the hardest bands to book a performance for anywhere. Why would they come here?" She asked Pansy. "Well, it wasn't easy, I'll say that right now. Anyway, I have a cousin who happened to go to Hogwarts with one of the band's newer members, and they happened to become friends at school, so I talked to him, and he said he'd get me in touch with the band. I told them that I had a cousin who was friends with one of the members, and I asked them if they could play at my wedding, and so here they are," Pansy explained.

After the band performed, Ginny and Pansy made their way to a table nearby to have some dinner together. A few minutes after they began eating, they were joined by someone who Ginny recognized right away. "Gwenog Jones? What're you doing here?" She asked the newcomer. "Well, firstly, congratulations on your marriage. Secondly, Pansy invited me. I saw you play Quidditch last year for Gryffindor, and I was very impressed with your skills as a Chaser," Gwenog said. "Oh... I had no idea," Ginny replied sheepishly. "I also saw how well Pansy performed last year for Slytherin, and I was impressed by her as well," Gwenog continued, taking Pansy by surprise. "Thank you, Gwenog," she said shyly. "No problem. I actually have an offer for you two, if you're interested," Gwenog said. "We're listening," Ginny and Pansy said in unison. "How would you like to join the Holyhead Harpies team this coming season?" Gwenog asked, nearly causing Ginny to faint. "You... You're asking both of us?" Pansy asked. "Yeah, you guys would be great additions to the team," Gwenog replied. "I'm in," Ginny said, and Pansy nodded her head in agreement. "Perfect! We usually meet up as a team to discuss the first match of the new season sometime in January, so I guess I'll see you girls then," Gwenog said, shaking hands with both of them before departing. "Okay, I definitely must be dreaming, because this just can't be real," Ginny said. "It isn't a dream, Princess. It's all real," Pansy replied, taking Ginny's hand and kissing the back of it softly. "That tickles, sweetheart!" Ginny said. Pansy smiled and did the same with Ginny's other hand. "I will never stop loving you, sweetheart," Ginny said. "And I will never stop loving you, Princess," Pansy replied with a smile. Ginny kissed Pansy softly, still smiling happily.

Word Count: 1525 words

New chapter again! I hope you enjoy it! Also, as a result of the radio two days ago, I now have the song "Courtesy Of The Red, White, And Blue" by Toby Keith stuck in my head. Anyway, that's all I have for this chapter. Bye for now!

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