Chapter Four

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The following Sunday, the Slytherin Quidditch team trials took place. Pansy had signed up to try out for the position of Chaser early on in the school year, and she was looking forward to trying out. When it was her turn, she took the Quaffle from the person who tried out before her, and she took off toward the goalposts. She threw the Quaffle, adding a bit of spin to it by flicking her wrist, and the Keeper couldn't block her shot. On her second run, she tossed the Quaffle into the air before spiking it, much like she'd seen Muggles do when playing a game they called volleyball.  Once again, the Keeper couldn't block the shot, and Pansy scored again. On her third run, she tricked the Keeper into thinking that she'd thrown the Quaffle to the left, but instead threw it to the right, scoring once more. On her fourth run, she simply dropped the Quaffle, then caught everyone off guard when she gave it a hard kick toward one of the goalposts to score again. On her fifth and final run, she again tossed the Quaffle into the air, and the Keeper prepared for her to spike the ball again. This time, however, she used her head - literally - and head-butted the Quaffle through one of the hoops. She landed with hardly a hair out of place to loud cheers from the rest of the students trying out. Even Draco Malfoy, the team captain, was impressed. "I've never seen anyone score a goal in Quidditch quite like that. Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked her. "Sorry, it's a secret," she said in a singsong voice. "Okay. I completely understand that. I'll let you know when I've picked the rest of the members of the team, but I will say that you're in great shape to make the team. And here I thought you had no interest in Quidditch," he replied with a smile.

That night in the Slytherin common room, the team selection was posted on the announcement board. Pansy was one of the first ones to get up and go over to look at it

1998-1999 Slytherin Quidditch Team
Seeker/Captain: Draco Malfoy
Chaser: Blaise Zabini
Chaser: Daphne Greengrass
Chaser: Pansy Parkinson
Beater: Gregory Goyle
Beater: Millicent Bulstrode
Keeper: Andy Black

Pansy was elated when she read her name on the list, and she could hardly wait for the first match of the season, when Ginny would find out she'd made the Slytherin team. She went to bed that night and slept peacefully.

At breakfast the next morning, all any of the Slytherins were talking about was the unconventional ways that Pansy had scored in tryouts, making her nervous that Ginny would find out before she wanted her to. However, when she entered the Great Hall for breakfast, she saw Ginny chatting animatedly with Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini, the former gesturing to explain what Pansy had done to score in tryouts. Pansy nervously walked over and sat down between Blaise and Ginny, not looking at anybody. "Hey sweetheart. I heard about what you did in the Slytherin Quidditch team tryouts. It sounds like you were amazing, and you didn't miss a single goal. Congratulations on making the team. I'm looking forward to playing Quidditch with you," Ginny said after a brief pause. "Thanks, Princess. I'm a little nervous, about the effect that it might have on our relationship, playing Quidditch against each other," Pansy replied. "There's nothing to worry about, sweetheart. It'll be a blast! Besides, I'm excited to play against you, and I bet it'll be a real challenge. By the way, you're never going to guess who our new Seeker is," Ginny said with a smile. "It's Dean Thomas, isn't it?" Pansy asked. "Nope. You'll just have to wait and see," Ginny said with a wink.

After breakfast, Persephone stopped Pansy as she was leaving the Great Hall. "Hey Pansy, I just wanted to say congratulations on making the Slytherin Quidditch team! Oh, and, big news, I'm the new Gryffindor Seeker!" Persephone squealed excitedly. "I never thought of you as a Quidditch player, to be honest," Pansy said. "Same with me when I heard that you're one of the new Slytherin Chasers, but times change, right?" Persephone asked rhetorically, just as Andy Black walked up in between them, putting an arm around each of their shoulders. "Hey, girls. Just wanted to say congratulations on making the house Quidditch teams. I must say, Pansy, I'm surprised that you never thought about trying out for a spot on the team before. You were a natural out there yesterday," he said, making Persephone blush. "Thank you, Andy. I never thought about trying out for a spot on the team before because I was never really all that interested in it, but since my girlfriend loves to play Quidditch, I figured, why not try out? Then her and I can have a fun activity that we can do together," Pansy replied. "And you, Persephone. Ginny told me that you were amazing, that you found and caught the Snitch within five minutes once. That's pretty darn impressive, I must say," Andy said to Persephone, who giggled softly and blushed a darker shade of red. "Um... hehehe... Thank you, Andy," she said, smiling at him. "I like your smile. It could light up a dark room, I'd bet," Andy replied. "You... You think so?" Persephone asked nervously. "Of course I do," he replied. "Urm... I think that I'm just gonna... give you two some... some privacy..." Pansy said, then mouthed, 'Tell me how it goes later' to Persephone.

Once Pansy left, Persephone couldn't find her voice. "Are you okay, Persephone?" Andy asked. "I... I... I don't know..." she managed to say. "You're blushing, you know that?" He asked. "Mm-hmm," Persephone replied, avoiding his eyes. Andy took a few moments to think about why Persephone might be blushing, then looked at her. "Are... Do you like me? I mean, do you like me, like me?" He asked. Persephone had no idea how to respond to his question. "Persephone?" He asked, and she seemed to regain her voice. "Yeah, I do... I... I think that I'm in love with you," she said. "I kinda had a feeling," Andy said. He put his arms around her waist gently. Persephone flinched at the contact, but smiled softly. She looked at him. "Do you love me, too?" She asked. "Yes, Persephone. I do love you too," he replied, leaning closer to her. "What are you doing?" Persephone asked. "I want to kiss you. Is that all right?" Andy asked. "Yes, that's all right with me," she said. Andy leaned in and kissed Persephone softly. When they separated, Persephone smiled widely at Andy, who held her in his arms.

Pansy met Ginny with a smile on her face, and the pair shared a quick kiss before they went to class. After dinner, Ginny and Pansy got up and walked away, and Ginny took Pansy to her private common room and dormitory on the second floor. "Wow, this is a great place," Pansy said in awe. "Yeah. I like it, but it's been pretty lonely lately. I was wondering if you'd be interested in sharing it with me," Ginny said. "Yeah, I would love to. All my stuff is in my dormitory, though," Pansy replied. "That's fine, you can get your stuff and bring it here. Just so you know, the password to get in here is 'Dumbledore's Army.' I'll see you in a bit, sweetheart," Ginny said. "See you, Princess," Pansy replied. She left to get her stuff, while Ginny sat down and read a book.

By the time Pansy returned to the common room, Ginny had fallen asleep on the couch. Pansy quietly put her possessions in her room, then walked back to the common room, where she carefully picked Ginny up and carried her to her bed. She gently covered Ginny with the blanket, then gently kissed her lips, then her forehead and said, "Sleep well, my Princess." She then went to her own bed and went to sleep.

Another chapter done. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. The next chapter is probably going be set in July 1999, after everyone graduates from Hogwarts. Also, happy Fourth of July, everyone! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Bye for now!

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