Chapter Eight

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August 22, 1999
Somewhere in northern Britain...

"Ugh! This is impossible! There's hardly anything here!" Pansy complained. "There is something here, but whatever it is, it's very well hidden," Ron replied. He performed a spell with his wand, revealing a corner of a building close to the ground. "See?" He asked. "Wow. Now to find the entrance," Pansy said, walking around the general area around Ron, suddenly walking right into something solid, but invisible. "Ow!" She cried out, putting a hand on her forehead. "I think you found the entrance, Pansy. Great job," Ron said. "How in the name of Merlin's favorite pair of socks did I find the entrance?!" Pansy asked incredulously. "It's simple, really. You walked into something solid, but invisible, and in doing so, it seems to have revealed the interior of a building," he replied. "Well, if I just gave myself a concussion doing that, here's hoping that it wasn't for nothing," Pansy said, promptly walking right through the door. Ron followed close behind, closing the door behind him to make sure that nothing seemed off from the outside. "Where do we go now?" Pansy asked. "I dunno, but wherever we go, we need to be sneaky," Ron replied. "Okay. Let's get moving," Pansy said, walking ahead softly.

After walking for a short while, they discovered a room full of various items, from a corkboard with thread connecting a number of people to a plan simply titled "OPERATION OUT OF THE SHADOWS", which greatly confused them. Still, Ron drew a quick sketch of the items in the room. "Okay, let's keep looking," he said afterward. "Where do we go next? There's two different ways we could go," Pansy said. "I'd say follow the trail of singular chain links in the corridor to the left," Ron replied. "I guess that makes sense. I'll take the lead," Pansy said, walking past him swiftly before he had a chance to protest.

She lit the tip of her wand to better follow the trail of chain links. After a while, the chain links lead them to an enormous square room, with doors reminiscent of those in a prison taking up a great deal of the wall space. "Well, we've found where they keep their prisoners. Now we just have to find Ginny's cell and get her out," Pansy said. "Easier said than done," Ron said. "Thank you, Captain Obvious," Pansy said, then a brief flash of bright red hair caught her eye. "Over there!" Pansy said, running over to the spot where she had seen the hair. What she saw brought tears to her eyes. She had found Ginny, but it was very hard to tell that it was her. Her hair was sticking out all over her head, she was abnormally pale, and her eyes seemed more like those of an owl, having sunken into her face. Her outfit was torn in multiple areas, and it looked to be several sizes too big for her. "Oh, my beautiful princess, what have they done to you?" Pansy asked herself softly. Then, Ginny slowly lifted her head and looked right at Pansy, fear evident on her face. She desperately wanted to hold Ginny in her arms and make sure that she was safe and sound. She pointed her wand at the lock on the cell door and murmured, "Alohomora." The lock clicked, allowing Pansy to open the door.

She knelt beside her wife, checking to see if she'd been injured at all. Once she decided that Ginny wasn't injured too badly, she lifted her into her arms, carrying her out of the cell. "Okay, let's get out of here," Pansy said, and Ron nodded, leading the way out of the building. Once they were outside, they apparated back to Pansy and Ginny's house, where Pansy laid Ginny on their bed before leaving to get her something to eat and drink. As soon as she had given her the food, Ginny began eating ravenously. Pansy took the dishes Ginny had used downstairs and put them in the kitchen sink, then had Ginny take a shower and put on a new outfit, since she had said she felt much better after eating. After that, all Ginny wanted was to spend time with Pansy.

"You know, when I woke up the morning you disappeared, I thought my nightmare came true, and you'd left me because I wasn't the woman that you thought I was, the sweet, caring person that I was acting like," Pansy said. "Wait, I thought you said that, in your nightmare, I left you for no apparent reason," Ginny said. "I did, but... I didn't want you to know the real reason why you left me in my nightmare because... I thought it would drive you away if I did," Pansy admitted. "Sweetie, nothing could drive me away from you. I love you far too much to leave you," Ginny said. "I'm sorry I lied to you about why you left me in my nightmare," Pansy said softly, hanging her head. "Sweetie, I understand why you did it, and I forgive you. You are my everything, and I could never stay mad at you for anything," Ginny said. "Thank you, my beautiful princess," Pansy replied, softly kissing Ginny. "Any time, sweetie. Any time at all," Ginny replied with a smile. They snuggled together on the sofa, talking about whatever came to mind. "I was also thinking about something else for a bit, while Ron and I were searching for you," Pansy said. "Oh? What was it?" Ginny asked curiously. "Well... I was thinking about our future together," Pansy replied. "What aspects of it were you thinking about, sweetie?" Ginny asked. "Just about everything. Like, where we could be in five years, what it would be like if we ever had kids, and how our relationship can evolve over time," Pansy replied. "You know, the strange thing is, I was thinking about the same sort of things when we were apart," Ginny said. "Like... do you think maybe we have some sort of connection? Something like what some twins have?" Pansy asked. "It's possible. I kind of wanted to know something, though, sweetie," Ginny said. "Go ahead," Pansy said. "Are you interested in us having kids sometime in the future?" She asked. "Yeah, I am. I think it would be pretty interesting," Pansy replied with a smile. She pulled Ginny closer and whispered, "I love you so much, my beautiful princess." "I love you too, sweetie," Ginny replied, and they met in the middle, kissing each other as if it was the last time they would have the chance.

Word Count: 1107 words

New chapter! So, that conversation between Pansy and Ginny about their future together made for an interesting little bit of a heart-to-heart between them, and it raises some intriguing possibilities. What do you guys think that they would name any kids that they were to have? What would their kids look like, if they were to have any? Anyway, that's all for this chapter. Bye for now!

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