Chapter Ten

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December 20, 1999
Pansy and Ginny's house

Ginny and Pansy were busy making Christmas cookies in the morning, while Persephone and Andy played with Violet. "You know, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm expecting, baby," Pansy said. "Me neither, baby," Ginny replied, putting the next batch of cookies in the oven. They planned to tell Andy, Persephone, and Ginny's family the news of the baby on Christmas day, when everyone would be at the Burrow. Pansy was having a little bit of a hard time trying not to ruin the surprise, as she couldn't help but lay a hand on her stomach occasionally. They overheard Andy singing a song to Persephone, and when he finished, they clapped along with Persephone. Pansy looked at Ginny. "I still don't understand why we can't just tell your family and Persephone and Andy about the news we have now, baby!" She whined. "It's supposed to be a surprise for Christmas. Besides, it's only for five more days," Ginny replied. "I've heard Andy and Persephone talking about me, and they're already pretty suspicious of me because of how I've been acting lately. It's... This waiting is starting to stress me out, baby," Pansy said. "How about this: we can go to my parents' house for lunch, as long as they're all right with it. Same with Andy and Persephone," Ginny suggested. "I can live with that," Pansy replied. "Okay. Hey Andy, Persephone, d'you guys want to come with us to the Burrow for lunch?" Ginny asked them. "I'd love to," Andy said. "I'm in, too," Persephone said. "All right, I'll go talk to my parents about it. Back in a few!" Ginny said, disapparating to the Burrow.

A few minutes later, she returned and informed everyone that her parents were good with having lunch at the Burrow. Pansy held on to Ginny's left hand, while Persephone held Andy's right hand. They apparated to the Burrow, where Pansy immediately ran off to the bathroom and threw up. "Is she okay?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "Yeah, she's good. Just a bit of a stomachache, that's all," Ginny said, just as Pansy walked up behind her. She put a couple of her fingers on Ginny's shoulder and pretended that they were the legs of a spider, making Ginny jump. "That was hilarious, baby!" Pansy said happily. "Oh, you!" Ginny said, giving Pansy a quick hug. Once everyone was ready for lunch, Ginny and Pansy stood up, holding hands. "Before we all have lunch, Pansy and I have an announcement to make," Ginny said, looking over at her wife and smiling, nodding slightly for her to go ahead and tell the others the news. "All right, so, um... crap, I'm messing this up, I can't think straight right now. Let me start over," Pansy said, "So, Ginny and I have some wonderful news to share with you all," she continued, then paused briefly. "I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed happily. Everybody stood up and congratulated them both and hugged them, then they all sat down and had lunch. "I can't believe that I'm going to be an uncle. It's unreal," Ron said. "Yeah, you're telling me, little bro. I never would've guessed that my baby sister would become a mum before I became a dad, but then again, before last school year, I never would've guessed that those two would end up together," George said, playfully ruffling Ginny's hair.

After lunch, Andy and Persephone returned to Pansy and Ginny's house, while Pansy and Ginny decided to stay at the Burrow for a bit longer and catch up with Ginny's family. "So Ron, how've you been?" Ginny asked. "I've been good. I've got a girlfriend now, and we've been together for almost a month now," he replied. "Really? Congratulations! Who's the lucky woman?" Pansy asked. "Lavender Brown. Believe it or not, she's actually a lot more bearable than she was in my sixth year. Maybe it was her near-death encounter with Fenrir Grayback at the Battle of Hogwarts, but she's much less... clingy... than she was before," Ron said. "Well, that's awfully sweet. How about you, George? How are things with Angelina?" Ginny asked. "It's pretty good. I'm thinking about proposing to her soon, but I don't know how I should go about doing it," George said. "Well, I'd try taking her out for a romantic dinner, then pretend that you dropped a spoon on the floor or something, then when you go to pick it up, you get down on one knee and propose instead," Ginny replied. "Thanks for the advice, sis," George said. "No problem. Well, I think that Pansy and I ought to get going, but we'll see you guys at Christmas!" Ginny said. They exchanged good-byes, then Pansy and Ginny returned home.

On Christmas day, Pansy woke up early and went downstairs with a book to read while she waited for everyone else to wake up. The next person to wake up was Persephone, and she sat down next to Pansy. "Good morning, Pansy. How are you?" Persephone asked. "I'm doing pretty good, how about you?" Pansy asked. "I'm doing good," Persephone replied. "That's cool. Merry Christmas, by the way," Pansy said. "Merry Christmas, Pansy," Persephone replied. Pansy readjusted a little, using her leg to hold up her book. "By the way, how's the baby doing?" Persephone asked. "The baby's doing good, as far as I can tell," Pansy replied, just as Ginny came into the room. "Morning, Princess. Merry Christmas," Pansy said. "Oh, morning sweetheart. Merry Christmas," Ginny replied. Andy came in soon after, and they started preparing for Christmas, as Ginny's family was coming over around lunchtime. Andy's mother had also said that she planned on coming, as did Persephone's family. Pansy started putting up some tinsel, Andy worked on Christmas lights, and Persephone and Ginny worked on the rest of the decorating. After a couple of hours, they were finished decorating, and Pansy sat down on the sofa, tired from working on the tinsel for so long. "Are you going to be alright, sweetheart?" Ginny asked her nervously. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to sit here for a few minutes," Pansy said breathlessly. "You shouldn't be working that hard, sweetheart. It's not good for the baby," Ginny said. "Relax, Princess. I'm fine, trust me," Pansy said, managing to catch her breath. "I'm only trying to look out for you and our baby, sweetheart," Ginny said. "I know that, and I appreciate it, I really do, but I also know my own limitations, to a degree," Pansy replied, giving Ginny a quick hug. "I know, sweetheart. I'll try to work on not being overprotective of you," Ginny said.

When everyone had arrived, Pansy and Ginny got ready to serve lunch. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Pansy went to answer it. "Mum? Dad? What are you doing here?" She asked. "We're here to celebrate Christmas with you," her mother replied. "Who's there, sweetheart?" Ginny called. "Who was that? I thought you lived alone?" Mrs. Parkinson said. "It's none of your business anymore, mother," Pansy replied sharply. Her mother pushed past her and went inside, her father following. Pansy turned around and followed them inside. "What's going on? Who are they?" Ginny asked quietly. "They're my parents, and this is the first time they've bothered to take interest in my life since the start of last school year. I quite honestly don't care what they come up with for reasons why they haven't taken interest in my life since then. This isn't the first time that it's happened, either," Pansy replied quietly. "Oh. Do you want me to see what I can do to get them to leave?" Ginny asked. "I'd like that, Princess," Pansy replied. "Okay. Stay right here, okay?" Ginny replied. "Yeah, I'm good here," Pansy said. Ginny walked over to Pansy's parents and began talking to them heatedly. Pansy couldn't hear what she was saying, but it seemed to get her point across, as her parents left fairly quickly. The rest of the day went by rather quickly, and before they knew it, it was nighttime. Pansy and Ginny snuggled in bed and fell asleep quickly.

Word Count: 1378 words

Hey everybody, another chapter for you. I'm quite happy with how this story is turning out so far, and I hope that it'll only get better as I go. Bye for now.

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