Chapter Seven

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August 11, 1999

Pansy woke up early on Ginny's birthday so she could surprise her new wife with breakfast in bed. She was still trying to figure out how everything worked in their new home, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She started making some pancakes and bacon. She then went to the closet next to the stairs and got her birthday present for Ginny out, putting it behind the sofa in the sitting room. She waited for the breakfast to finish cooking before putting it on a tray. Then, she filled a glass with butterbeer, put it on the tray, and brought it upstairs to Ginny. "Princess, I have a surprise for you," she said in a quiet singsong voice. "Mm... What's that smell?" Ginny asked sleepily. In response, Pansy turned on the light so Ginny could see. "Oh, sweetheart, you made me breakfast in bed? That's so nice of you," Ginny said with a smile. "Yep. Happy birthday, my beautiful princess," Pansy replied, putting the tray in Ginny's lap. She began to eat, smiling the entire time. "Oh, this is delicious, sweetheart," Ginny said softly. When she was finished, Pansy brought the tray down to the sink, then sat down with Ginny on the sofa. She reached back behind the sofa, grabbed her present for Ginny, and handed it to her. "Happy birthday, Princess," Pansy said, handing the present to Ginny. She took it eagerly and unwrapped it, finding a small box inside, which she opened to discover a silver pendant shaped to form the letters P+G. She smiled and turned around, pulling her hair away from her neck so Pansy could put the pendant on her. "So, how do I look?" She asked. "Beautiful as always, Princess," Pansy replied. Ginny smiled and kissed Pansy before leaving to take a shower.

After they had both taken their showers, they decided to watch a movie together. Ginny laid her head on Pansy's shoulder and smiled up at her. "I'm so happy that we're married, sweetheart," she said sweetly. "So am I, Princess. You know, I consider myself lucky," Pansy replied, returning Ginny's smile. "Oh, you do, huh? Why is that?" Ginny asked, fluttering her eyelids. "Because I married such a beautiful, funny, and sweet woman, of course," Pansy replied, and Ginny blushed. "Oh, you!" Ginny replied, starting to tickle Pansy. "Hey, stop that!" Pansy exclaimed through her laughter, starting to tickle Ginny right back. After a few minutes of tickling each other, they had lunch, then Ginny decided that she wanted to go sightseeing in Muggle London with Pansy. She was on board with the idea, as she had never been to Muggle London before.

When they arrived in Muggle London, Pansy was almost instantly awestruck. "This is amazing! I've never seen so much... technology before!" She exclaimed. "I know, right? This is like heaven for my father. He loves to tinker with Muggle stuff. He takes them apart, figures out how they work, then he puts them back together again, sometimes adding magical modifications to them. Like that flying car in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts," Ginny said. "Amazing... It's truly spectacular, how the Muggles have found solutions to their problems without using magic," Pansy said. "Yeah, it is. Here's the thing, though: try not to do that all the time with every Muggle thing you see. It'll make people think that you're crazy, and I don't want that to happen," Ginny said quietly. "Oh, right. I'll do my best, Princess," Pansy replied. They went to several landmarks, like the London Eye, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace before returning home. "This has been the best birthday ever," Ginny said. "I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday, Princess," Pansy replied with a smile. "Well, I think that I'm going to take a shower. See you in a few," Ginny said, walking to the bathroom.

After they took their showers, they had dinner, and they watched a movie before they went to bed. In the middle of the night, Pansy started to squirm around due to a nightmare she was having. Eventually, Ginny ended up trying to wake her up to comfort her. "Sweetheart? Sweetheart, wake up," she said, gently shaking Pansy, who didn't wake up. "Sweetheart, wake up!" She said, and Pansy suddenly jumped awake with a scream. "Oh... sorry, Princess," Pansy said. "It's fine. What was going on? You were squirming around a lot," Ginny said. "Oh... Nightmare..." Pansy replied softly. "I kind of had a feeling. What was your nightmare about, sweetie?" Ginny asked. "It was... you left me, for no apparent reason whatsoever, and it scared me. It was so real... I... I thought I'd wake up, and y-you'd be g-gone..." Pansy said, starting to cry softly. "Oh, come here, sweetie," Ginny said, pulling Pansy into a warm embrace. "It's okay sweetie, I'm here. I'm here, and I'll never leave you as long as I live." She gently rubbed Pansy's back, trying to soothe her. Pansy kept crying for a bit longer, but eventually calmed down and lay back down, falling back to sleep. "Thank you, Princess," Pansy mumbled in her sleep. "You're very welcome, sweetie. Sleep well," Ginny replied, softly kissing Pansy's hair before falling asleep as well.

About a week later, Ginny disappeared in the middle of the night, unbeknownst to Pansy. When she woke up in the morning and saw that Ginny wasn't beside her, she burst into tears, thinking that her nightmare had come true. Ron showed up to inform Pansy of what had happened, and he found her sitting at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in front of her, looking as though the smallest thing would make her start crying again. "Hey, Pansy," he said. "What do you want?" Pansy asked in frustration. "I just came to tell you what happened to Ginny," Ron answered. "You're wasting your time. I know what happened to her," Pansy said with a sniffle. "She left me because she realized that... that I'm not the woman that she thinks of me as... I'm not some sort of angel, or a sweetheart, even though I've been acting like one for almost a year now." "Pansy, Ginny didn't leave you, she was taken by someone," Ron said. "You're just... Y-You're just t-telling me what I w-want to h-hear," Pansy said, starting to cry again. "Pansy, I'm telling you the truth. Your window was opened in the middle of the night, according to one of your neighbors, who also said that you and Ginny never do that," Ron explained. "O-Oh... I forgot about that... I closed it when I got up this morning," she replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Is there anyone you can think of that might have a reason to kidnap my sister?" Ron asked. "Well... there was one time I overheard Draco Malfoy and his father talking about something like that, but if they did kidnap her, they could've taken her anywhere," Pansy replied. "True, true... it could have been some Death Eaters, though," Ron said. "What, so the Malfoys don't count as Death Eaters anymore?" Pansy asked. "Yes, they aren't considered Death Eaters anymore, but the Ministry is keeping a close eye on them, just in case. Anyway, ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, the Ministry's been hunting down the Death Eaters that managed to escape, and they think that they've narrowed down their locations to a very select area in northern Britain," Ron said. "Take me," Pansy said. "Take you where?" Ron asked. "Where do you think? To the area where the Death Eaters are thought to be hiding," Pansy said. "I can't do that. Not only would I be willingly putting your life in danger, but the area is classified," Ron said. "Since when are you so by-the-book, Ronald Weasley?" Pansy asked. "Good point. I'll take you to the place. Grab my left arm," he said. Pansy did as he said, and they disapparated.

Word Count: 1338 words

New chapter for you to enjoy! Who could have kidnapped Ginny? What will Ron and Pansy discover while they search for Ginny? Could it all be part of something bigger? Something that could threaten the Wizarding World as a whole? You'll have to read on to find out! Bye for now!

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