Chapter Five

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The summer air was warm at the Burrow, and Pansy Parkinson was spending some time in the shade with her girlfriend Ginny Weasley. They had been invited to a Fourth of July party hosted by their close friend Andy Black, which was taking place that night in a nearby field. Pansy had a very special surprise that she'd asked Andy to help her out with, and she was a bit nervous about it. "Sweetheart, are you sure you're all right? You're fidgeting a lot more than usual," Ginny said. "Yes, I'm all right, Princess," Pansy replied, brushing Ginny's hair gently with her hand. "You're beautiful today, sweetheart," Ginny said. "You're more beautiful, Princess," Pansy replied with a laugh. "Well, we should probably start getting ready for the party tonight," Ginny said, causing Pansy to whimper. "Aw, five more minutes?" She asked. "I wish we could take five more minutes, sweetheart, I really do, but we have to get ready. We can spend all the time you want to together tomorrow," Ginny said, and Pansy smiled. They got up and went inside to get ready for the party that night.

Around 10 PM, everyone was in the field watching the fireworks that Andy had set up, and Ginny looked to be close to falling asleep standing up, but Pansy had brought some coffee for both of them, so she drank a bit of hers. Pansy saw the telltale sign that her surprise was coming up soon, so she nudged Ginny and said, "Watch right there, Princess," as she pointed to a spot in the sky. She and Ginny watched the area closely for a few moments, not seeing anything. "I don't see anything, sweetheart," Ginny said. "Just wait, Princess. It'll come," Pansy said, just as more fireworks went off. Ginny watched them, and her jaw dropped as she realized that the fireworks were spelling out words. When all of the words had appeared, Ginny had put one hand over her mouth, and the other over her heart.

Will you marry me, Princess?

Ginny turned to Pansy, finding her on one knee. "What do you say, Princess?" Pansy asked. Ginny could hardly see, as her eyes were full of tears. She began to nod, a huge smile forming on her face. "Yes, sweetheart, yes! I will marry you!" She said happily, and Pansy took out a ring and put it on Ginny's finger. Soon after that, Ginny pulled Pansy into a deep kiss, tightly embracing her fiancée. "I love you so much, sweetheart," Ginny said. "Oh, I love you too, Princess," Pansy replied. "I'm amazed that you went to all the trouble to propose to me like this," Ginny said. "Well, I couldn't have done it without some help," Pansy said, looking at Andy, who waved at them. "I'm just... I'm so excited right now, sweetheart! And that's not the coffee talking, either," Ginny said, laying her head on Pansy's shoulder, and Pansy laughed. "I know, Princess. I know," Pansy said with an affectionate smile.

The next morning, Ginny woke up, stretched, and looked at her right hand. When she saw the ring on her finger, she grinned as she remembered the previous night, and Pansy's dramatic proposal involving fireworks. She went downstairs for breakfast, finding Pansy just finishing up her breakfast. "Morning, sweetheart," she said. "Oh, good morning, Princess. How'd you sleep?" Pansy asked. "I slept great, you?" Ginny replied. "I slept good. How does it feel to be engaged, Princess?" Pansy asked with a smile. "It feels amazing. I couldn't be happier," Ginny replied, returning Pansy's smile. The next person to come into the kitchen was Ron, who was much more cheerful as of late, having found a new girlfriend in Luna Lovegood. "Morning," he said as he got his breakfast. "Morning, Ron," Ginny said, suddenly nervous. Ron doesn't know that I'm engaged to Pansy! What'll happen when he finds out? She thought, starting to panic. "Princess, calm down. You're getting fidgety," Pansy said softly. Ginny moved closer to Pansy and whispered, "Ron doesn't know that we're engaged. He's gonna kill us when he finds out." "No, he's not. He wouldn't do that," Pansy replied. "Nice ring, Gin. It suits you. Pansy has great taste," Ron commented. "Um... Thanks, Ron," Ginny said. "Wait... How'd you figure out we got engaged?" Pansy asked. "I saw you with the ring one day. You were studying it when you thought no one was watching," he replied. "Typical Ron," Ginny said, and Pansy burst out laughing. After she calmed down a bit, she looked at Ginny. "Ah. So Princess, when do you want to get married?" She asked. "I... I dunno. Maybe the sixth?" Ginny asked. "You mean August sixth, right?" Pansy asked. "Yeah, 'course I do," Ginny replied with a smile. "Oh. My. Goodness. Do you know what day that is?" Pansy asked. "Um... should I?" Ginny asked. "Yeah! August sixth is my nineteenth birthday this year, Princess," Pansy replied. "Oh wow! My eighteenth birthday is August eleventh this year!" Ginny said happily. "That's such a coincidence, that our birthdays are less than a week apart from each other," Pansy said dreamily. "Okay, now you're starting to remind me of Luna, talking dreamily like that," Ginny said, making Ron snort milk out of his nose, then he laughed. Pansy soon joined in, her eyes almost seeming to glimmer.

After breakfast, Pansy and Ginny went outside to enjoy the cool morning air, playing tag together before laying down on their backs and watching the clouds. To them, they were in heaven, and they didn't need anything but one another. "You know, I really enjoy being able to just spend time with you, Princess," Pansy said. "Me too, sweetheart," Ginny replied with a smile. "I can't wait to marry you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Princess," Pansy said, smiling affectionately. "I feel the same way, sweetheart," Ginny said, returning Pansy's smile. After lunch, they decided to go to a festival in the local village of Ottery St. Catchpole to enjoy themselves. They found out that there was going to be a dance later that evening, and they decided to attend it. "You know, I'm really looking forward to the dance tonight. After all, it'll be the first time that we dance with one another, Princess," Pansy said. "Yeah, it'll be great practice for our wedding reception. I love you, sweetheart," Ginny said. "I love you too, Princess," Pansy replied. They went out to dinner before the dance, and afterward they went to the square for the dance. Pansy put one hand on Ginny's shoulder, and one on her hip. Ginny did the same, and when the music began, they started slow dancing together. "This is really nice, Princess," Pansy said, moving closer to Ginny. "Yeah, it is," Ginny replied, moving closer to Pansy. She leaned in and kissed Ginny softly.

Afterward, at the Burrow, Pansy and Ginny were exhausted, and they didn't even bother getting ready for bed. Instead, they just climbed into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. They slept better than they had in a long time.

Word Count: 1191 words

Hello again! New chapter for you to enjoy! The next chapter will be Pansy and Ginny's wedding day, and it's gonna be amazing! Hahaha! Bye for now!

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