Chapter Nine

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"You want me to go play outside...alone?" 

You are hit with a surprise when your adoptive father asks you to go and play outside in the garden, something you currently didn't expect him to say in the first place or ever.

"Yes, that is exactly what I want you to do, angel" you sigh.

Honestly, you feel like this is a trap, he is just putting you through a test, wondering if you are going to stay or run away because if you go with the latter, you are sure he is going to punish you.

No, you cannot fall for this for even one second, there is no way Luis will let you out with the reason of simply wanting you to enjoy yourself.

As if Luis has been reading your thoughts, he decides to confront you about your worries.

"Do not worry, I will check on you every once in a while to make sure that you are all right" he explains.

"Are you...sure?" the vampire chuckles, closing the book in his hands.

"Trust me on this, alright?"


"Oh, and if you think about running away, the gates are closed and the wall is too high for you to climb on" you bite your bottom lip, annoyed at his indication about you running away.

"I was not even considering doing such a thing, Papa" Luis smirk expands into a vicious smile 

"Good, now go and enjoy yourself in the garden"


Playing in the dark with only some fire to keep the light around alongside the reflection of the moon killed your interest in playing.

Instead, you find you find yourself sitting on a swing, staring up at the stars surrounding the beautiful moon, as calmness engulfs you, something you clearly don't feel when you are in the appearance of your adoptive father.

Unfourtantly, the peaceful atmosphere around you declines one hour later, when you hear loud footsteps, causing you to twirl around in the swing in hopes of spotting the owner of the sound of the footsteps.

However, you find nobody in the garden.

'I must have heard wrong' you think to yourself, yet again your ears catch on a completely different sound.

It is the sound of chuckling, that catches your attention, you look up at the tree branch your swing is tied to, only to find a figure of a body standing on the branch.

You quickly move away from the swing in fear, however, your gaze is still focused on the boy.

"Who are you, and how did you get here?" you demand, crossing your arms over your chest while trying to look intimidating.

The stranger jumps down from the tree and lands in front of you.

"My name is Cecil, as for how I got here...well, I used my magic, of course," you examine the boy more closely now, taking in every feature.

Cecil has long golden lose curls that lay on his shoulder, while his eyes are light blue or maybe it is grey, you cannot really dedicate from the darkness.

But you are certain about one thing, is that he is close to your age.


You have never really believed in warlocks and witches until you have met Luis, vampires exist? So, why not warlocks?

"Yes, want to see my tricks" you can hear the excitement lacing his tone and see the playful expression painted on his face.

Not waiting for your reply, the blue fire appears at the tips of his fingers, causing your face to light up with happiness.

"Do you like what you see?" you nod your head happily.

"I love it, may you show other tricks?"

"Of course!"

Unfortunately, you forget your father's promise of checking on you every once in a while


"You do not how delighted I'm with your visit, your highness" the vampire king smiles at Luis as he follows him into his office room.

"I just wanted to come and check how your little one is doing, because I heard some strange rumors in town" Luis's smile tightens at Hadrian's words.

"What type of rumors, hopefully, nothing cynical" Hadrian chuckles.

"The humans spread rumors about you locking up your daughter, no allowing her to leave the house nor have any friends." 

Of course, he expected Hadrian's visit, that's the main reason he let you go play in the garden to prove to him that he doesn't lock you up like a pet.

As for why he won't let you have any friends...

"I can assure you that I do not lock up my daughter, as for the reason she does not have any friends, is because I will not allow her to associate herself with any filthy humans" 

Hadrian raises an eyebrow, amused at the answer. 

"You do realize that she is still a human, right?"  

"Yes, but not for long, your royal highness" Luis walks over to the window that overlooks the garden.

Luis's eyes narrow when he catches the sight of an unfamiliar boy standing near you, happily showing spells.

Luis is so focused that he doesn't notice the appearance of the vampire kind behind him until he speaks.

"It seems like your child has a secret friend judging from the angry look upon your face, Luis" the king teases him, loving how furious his subject is right now.

Luis turns around to face Hadrian with a grin, dropping his anger so as not to cause trouble.

"I think so too, children these days rebelling against their perants...anyway, would you like a cup of blood, my king?"


"I still do not understand how a vampire can adopt a human, do they not hate your species" your shrug, as he swings you gently on the swing.

"I suppose so...however Papa takes good care of me" you half-lie, due to it being kind of true how Luis takes good care of you if you exclude his brutal punishments.

"Does he hurt you?" 

The question made you tense up, not knowing how to answer such a question.

Regardless, someone else decides to answer for you, after he appears in front of you and Cecil.

"Why would I hurt my own daughter?"

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