Chapter Fifteen

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"Where are we going?"

"I thought that it would be a good idea to get some fresh air outside and buy you some gifts"

You look at Luis with surprise, not expecting him to say that.

"Gifts? What are the gifts birthday is not today" 

Luis chuckles deeply at you.

"Stop thinking like poor people sweetheart, gifts are not only for birthdays"

You feel a bit taken aback by Luis's offensive comment.

"How dare you? My parents were not poor!" you exclaim, feeling a surge of anger coursing through you.

Luis chuckles, his expression turning flippant.

"My sweet, if they were not as rich as me, then they were poor, it's as simple as that."

Your anger continues to grow, your fists clenching as you struggle to contain your emotions.

You want to lash out, to say something that will hurt Luis as much as he is hurting you, but you also know that it would be pointless.

Just being reminded of your mudered parents makes you feel extreme guilt, knowing very well that Luis is the one who murdered them.

Luis continues to speak, his tone softer.

"Let's put that aside for now, and focus on enjoying our day together."

You take a deep breath, striving to center yourself and push aside your anger.

You don't want to ruin the day, but you also can't forget Luis's comments so easily.

Luis reaches out a hand to you, a faint smile on his face.

"Let's forget about all that for now, and focus on having a nice day out together, just the two of us."

You take his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch, and the anger you felt moments ago starts to dissipate.

You and Luis continue down the sidewalk, hand in hand, heading towards the clothing shops.

Once inside one of the shops, Luis had you be measured by the seamstress.

After getting your sizes, the vampire orders the most expensive dresses be designed for you after choosing from the catalogue design.

Totally ignoring your opinion on what you want to wear.

"Why did you bring me with you, if you were going to buy what you want in the end?"

You inquire after you both walk out of the shop, trailing behind him like a small child.

"You are too young to choose"

"Yes, I'm indeed a fetus compared to your old age, Papa" you speak innocently.

Seeing his cold expression made you smile, knowing very well how vampires feel being called old.

Before Luis could answer, a woman pumps into you, almost knocking you to the ground.

"Oh, I apologise, I did not see where I was going, sweet child"

You look up, to see the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life.

You look up, to see the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life

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Instantly, you notice her red eyes which indicates that she is a vampire.

Why do you feel like you have seen her before, somewhere...

Luis narrows his eyes at the women in suspicion.

"Have I seen you before?" you ask with a curious tone.

The vampiress gigles, showing her sharp fangs in process, making your more.

"Silly girl, you can't even remember your biological mother"

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