Behind Closed Doors

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TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2017, 8:29 AM

"Hi, you've reached Chris. I'm currently unable to take your call. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you whenever I can. Thank you."


"Hey, it's me. I know you probably already left for work by now, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck today. Hopefully, everything goes well. Alright. Talk to later."



When Josh entered the pizzeria, he was surprised to find both of his managers standing in the lobby speaking to one another. They both had on professional attire: Rebecca had on a silver pantsuit, different from the brown one she previously wore, and Derek had on a black suit and tie. They looked over at him.

"Good morning, Josh!" said Derek in an ecstatic tone, reminding Josh very much of his sister. "Are you ready for the big day today?"

"I think so," said Josh, which was true. He had no idea what to expect but hoped it wouldn't be too much more tedious or challenging than the previous day.

"Good to hear!" he said with a smile. "Sorry I couldn't be here for your first shift yesterday, but being a manager has its busy days sometimes. I heard you did pretty well."

"I got through it," said Josh.

"So I see," said Derek. "Well, not much going on this morning. Go meet with Susan and see what she needs help with.


He headed off to the break room, hoping to find Susan there, but it was empty. She must already be out there, he thought. As he shuffled into his work clothes, he realized that there was no foul smell like there had been the day before. He thought it had something to do with the room and the ventilation, but when looked up at the vent, he saw that it was operating perfectly, with a small, trance-like hum coming from it as it blew out clean air. Maybe they fixed whatever it was?

But he couldn't worry about that now. As he clocked in, he noticed that he was a minute late. He rushed out to the cafe area and found Susan standing there with Rebecca.

" that we don't have any issues, you know?"


"Good. Well, looks like your partner in crime is here, so I'll leave you both to it. Make sure you fill him in." Rebecca gave him a smile as she turned and walked away.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Just letting me know to make sure we keep our eyes open today."

Josh's face fell slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, it's a big day today, so there's a greater chance of something happening."

"Like what?"

"I don't know!" said Susan, growing a little irritated. "Like a child falling and getting seriously hurt, or someone trying to steal food from back here! Rebecca didn't go into detail, she just wants us to make sure we keep our eyes open to make sure everything goes smoothly!"

"Okay," he said, walking over to check the soda machine. "Sorry," he added quietly, half-hoping she would hear. She didn't.

It was a boring morning. Most of the preparations were decorations done by the planning committee, though he and Susan did have to help move a few things. Though he had only been working there for a day, Josh felt that the building had a noticeably different aura to it, like there was something unique about this day, and not just because it was a holiday. Something felt...different.

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