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THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2017, 2:04 AM

"Hi, you've reached Chris. I'm sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you."



"Ok, Chris. What's really happening down there? The picture you sent me looks like they're actually building some kind of monster, and even from the few years we've known each other, I know you wouldn't send that to me if you didn't need my help. I don't know if you're just being stubborn or if something else is going on, but I don't even remotely believe your last text. And since when have you started using phrases like 'smooth as butter'? Look, I've just about had it with these random updates. Give me a call back right now. I'm serious...if you don't call me back in the next fifteen minutes, I'm coming down there to see things for myself. I'm tired of waiting on the sidelines for some good news.

Hopefully, I'll hear back from you, but if not...I'll be seeing you real soon."



Jack couldn't believe his eyes. Surrounding him was probably the strangest crime scene he had ever witnessed. Tables were overturned and instruments and files were scattered everywhere. It looked very indicative of a struggle, but something was strangely off. Everything looked too...neat. The tables laying on the floor were positioned almost perfectly straight and symmetrically, as though they had been placed there deliberately. On top of that, there were glass containers laying on the floor which were slightly cracked but intact. After examining them, Jack determined that they were fragile enough to have been broken had they hit the ground more violently.

After hearing someone clear their throat, he remembered the officers who were in the room with him.

"What do the cameras show?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Captain Holmes. "They've been tampered with. The last thing we saw was the victim's body on the gurney and then static. That's why we called you in."

Jack continued to gaze intently at the security camera, and then back at the scene before him. He re-examined several key crime scenes he'd visited in his career, ranging from a stolen briefcase with confidential documents to an inside-job heist which resulted in two employees and a client being killed. But this was in unfamiliar territory.

Is this the work of Chris Everett ? he thought. He knew that that would probably be the most likely scenario in everybody else's mind, but something didn't smell right here. With his memory of the heist still fresh, he turned his eyes once more to the neatly overturned tables. It just doesn't add up. Everett's supposed to be a man on the run, and he knows that there were witnesses to confirm he's the culprit, anyway. Shouldn't he be on his way to refuge elsewhere? Why would he care so much about stealing a body that everyone already knows was killed by him via impalement? There's no secret to cover up, so there's just no point.

"Captain?" came a nearby voice. "They're about to leave with the guard's body. Should we have the detective take a look?"

"Yes," said Captain Holmes.

Jack was led to the hallway where the guard on duty, still with his name tag on label MORRIS GILLMAN, was lying motionless on a cart. As soon as Jack saw the guard, he gasped. The entire face was hollow-looking and extremely it had been shrunken by something out of a science-fiction movie. But this wasn't a movie...this was real. As he took a closer look, he noticed something leaking from the eyes.

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