Chapter 1: Is That You, Lydia?

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The children in Smeerensberg were happy after getting their presents after the Christmas idea by Jesper. Everyone seemed to get along better, even the adults, significantly when Aksel Ellingboe's daughter, Magdalone, and Tammy Krum's son, Olaf, had fallen in love with each other. In the beginning, they were very disapproved of the relationship. Still, they couldn't do anything about it, especially when Magdalone was very stubborn, saying "MINE!" every time they tried to take Olaf away from her. She carried him all the time wherever she went.

Magdalone and Olaf got married, and everyone in Smeerensburg was invited to their wedding. They eventually had to approve the marriage. Although it was mainly because it was impossible to take them off of each other, both clans started to approve of their relationship. Tammy and Aksel did not yet approve their relationship, but if they began to do so, they would be the last ones to agree. Tammy and Aksel still hate each other and each other's families. 

Klaus, Jesper, and Alva decided to expand their Christmas service, not just in Smeerensburg but also in a few poorer villages where they wish that children would find joy in their lives. With Mogens' help, Jesper and Alva sailed to the land to observe the towns so that they could take surveys and take note of what children want. It took more than a week as they were getting a massive list of what every child want the most. Mogens' job was supposed to be helping Jesper with the post office work, but ever since Smeerensburg has started to reach out to a lot of other towns, he was now only in charge of the dock and ship related work.

While Jesper and Alva went to the nearest villages, Klaus expanded his workplace with the help of the Sami tribe. They all worked diligently to make the workplace larger so that there was enough room for all the workers to work. It was enjoyable to work together to expand the workplace, but it was also exhausting as much as how fun it was. Whenever Sami people left for the night, Margu would always tightly hug Klaus' leg before she went with her parents. Klaus really loved the way Margu tightly hugged his legs as he wished that he had his own daughter who would hug his leg every time. 

Before he went to bed, he looked back at the wooden stand with the mini wooden figures of all the Sami tribe, Alva, Jesper, Klaus, and Lydia. He grabbed a Lydia figure and talked to it as if he was talking to Lydia. "My love, every time Margu hugs my leg, it makes me wish that I had a daughter with you. Well, we don't need to have children anymore, but I wish you were still alive, or at least I wish I had a chance to talk to you every day." He planted a small kiss on the lips of the figure and sweetly said, "Good night, love." He gently placed the figure back and traced his fingers on the formation as he left. When Klaus lay down on his bed, he immediately fell asleep after resting his head against the pillow. 

When he woke up, he noticed that his bed was outside of his home, but it was not cold at all. Perplexed by the situation, Klaus quickly jumped out of bed and tried to analyze the situation. Why was his bed outside of his house when he was sure that it was in his house? How did it get out of there? As Klaus' feet dug deep inside the snow as he took a step, the breeze blew around his feet and ankles. It bobbled as if the draft was trying to make Klaus head to the direction where the breeze was blowing to. Klaus cautiously stepped towards the direction of where the breeze was headed. 

After taking several steps, the breeze paused. The breeze was still visible as a stream of fog, but it did not move. Klaus wondered why the breeze stopped all of a sudden. While wondering the reason, the breeze emerged together to create a human silhouette that eventually shaped into a human appearance. It was a very familiar figure, especially to Klaus. 

"...Lydia...?" Klaus asked. It was more of a question that he asked himself, but it seemed like the breeze that formed into an appearance of Lydia was able to hear him as well. "Is that you, Lydia?" Klaus asked once more. She nodded as she opened her arms so that Klaus could embrace her. Klaus did not wait any longer. He quickly stepped towards her, overcoming the stubborn snow that kept adding weights on his feet and wrapped his large, warm, and soothing hands around Lydia. "Oh... Lydia! I missed you... I missed you so much, love...!" 

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