Chapter 4: Perhaps It's None of My Business

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"Wow~!" Jesper exclaimed as he saw the marketplace.

It has been even more advanced as the Krums and the Ellingboes started to become more friendly to each other. It was to the point that neither Mrs. Krum nor Mr. Ellingboe was able to do anything about it. Also, Smeerensburg gained more assistance with trading and supplies thanks to Jesper's father, who wanted to support his son who changed the atmosphere of the town where every postman gave up on.

Now, Smeerensburg had more access and diversity in ingredients and supplies. There were an outdoor fish market, butcher's shop, bakery, confection store, and many others.

"Looks much better than when I first came here," Jesper said.

"Does this remind you of your hometown?" Klaus asked.

"Well, it was actually much more advanced than this," Jesper explained. "The buildings were higher and looked much fancier. But I was also curious about this type of marketplace too! When it looks too fancy, it's more boring to me now. I always wondered how it's like to spend time in a place like this."

"Mm, so did I," Klaus said.

"Oh, you've never been to a marketplace like this before?" Jesper asked.

"I always get my own supplies and ingredients," Klaus said. "I never had to buy any supplies and ingredients. When I got my ax and other tools, I got them from storage somewhere, don't remember where, but one thing for sure is that it was not from a marketplace."

"I see, well then," Jesper said. "Since this is going to be the first experience for both of us, let's make this enjoyable for both of us!"

"Let's," Klaus replied.

"Come on, let's visit that store first!" Jesper said as he grabbed Klaus' firm arm once more. Klaus blushed once again by the sensation.

"Oh, wow!" Jesper said as he looked around in the clothing store. "I should probably buy some more of the warmer clothes." 

"It also seemed like you lacked warm clothes," Klaus mentioned. "Was there no winter where you lived?"

"There was winter," Jesper answered as he looked back at Klaus. "But there was also spring, summer, and fall. I didn't have much winter clothes since I had almost the equal amount as other seasonal clothes, but since Smeerensburg seems to be winter all around, I figured I need some more winter clothes for the being."

"I see," Klaus said. 

"Aren't you going to buy anything?" Jesper asked. 

"I don't need any more clothes for now," Klaus answered. 

"Well then, I'm going to pay for these and come back," Jesper said as he grabbed all the clothes he wanted and headed to the counter.

"Take your time," Klaus said. He watched Jesper walk over to the counter and pay for his new clothes. He couldn't keep an eye off of him. 

"Let's go check out other stores!" Jesper said as he returned. "Was there any store you were interested in visiting?" 

"Hmm, not that I know of," Klaus said. "I've never been shopping before, so I never learned how to find joy in it."

"That's understandable," Jesper replied as they headed out of the clothes shop. They kept walking around as Jesper explained his past shopping experiences. "When I was a kid, I loved going to the department store and picking out what caught my eyes. Sometimes, I go with my friends and go to the mall or department store together and shop together. I would go almost every week."

"You must have had a lot of money if you were able to go every week," Klaus teased.

"Back then I was a spoiled kid as I had my dad pay for all of the things that I wanted," Jesper confessed, embarrassed but proud to be able to confess it now. "But now that I have a job of my own and the money that I make on my own, I feel proud of myself."

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