Chapter 15: I Trust You

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"Slowly... slowly..." Klaus continued to coach Jesper. It mainly was Klaus pulling gently on Jesper. "Step by step... there you go..." 

"I think I'm getting the hang of it," Jesper said. A little shaky, but he was way more stable than he did in the beginning. 

"Let's try it without me grabbing you," Klaus said as he let go of Jesper's arms. Jesper was standing very still as he maintained his balance.

"Whoa, I'm getting way better now!" Jesper said excitedly.

"Now, why don't you try sliding on the ice on your own?" Klaus asked.

"What happens if I fall?" Jesper asked.

"I promise to grab you before you hit against the ice," Klaus promised. "You trust me, right?"

"Of course, I trust you," Jesper said. 

"Great," Klaus chuckled. "Now, I will stay with you as you skate, so don't worry. I'll always be by your side." 

"All right, this is it," Jesper took a deep breath. "Here it goes." He slid forward as he let the blade on the skate scratch through the plate of ice. Jesper gulped as he lifted his other foot to slide along the ice. 

"See? You got it, Jesper!" Klaus said as he skated next to him.

"Whoa- whoa!!" Jesper slipped and almost fell on his back, but Klaus caught him just in time.

"I guess I said that a little too soon, didn't I?" Klaus asked as he warmly grinned at him.

"But I think I did better than the one before," Jesper said with an embarrassed yet relieved chuckle. 

"If you feel that way, that means you're learning," Klaus said as he smiled even more warmly at him.

"Well, I have a good coach who also happens to be my boyfriend," Jesper said as he smirked. Klaus chuckled. 

"Are you two good over there?" Alva asked. "Do you need help lifting him back up?"

"No, we're good, thanks!" Jesper said as Klaus elevated him as he gently lifted his back and pulled his arm. "Maybe we shouldn't stay in certain positions for so long," Jesper suggested as he whispered into Klaus' ears. 

"I agree," Klaus replied. 

Jesper continued to practice how to skate along with Klaus' help. After twenty minutes of coaching and practicing, Jesper finally got the hang of it. Jesper was soon able to skate around without having Klaus by his side. He was not as good as Klaus nor Alva, but he was able to catch up with them. 

"You're getting good at this, Jesper!" Alva said as she skated along with him. "Soon, you'll be able to catch up to me!" She started to skate faster to challenge Jesper. 

"Oh, you go on ahead," Jesper said as he rejected the challenge. "I'd rather be safe." 

"Looks like you still have a long way to go, then," Alva said as she skated around him. 

"Show off," Jesper said as he eyed Alva skating and spinning around him. 

"Trust me, Jesper, you'll get the hang of it soon," Alva said as she continued to skate around him. 

"Yeah, only if I did this since I was a kid, I would get the hang of it now," Jesper grumbled. 

"You're doing great, Jesper," Klaus said. 

"I had a good coach," Jesper said. 

"Yeah, just be salty with me and be sweet to Klaus," Alva scoffed but in a friendly manner. 

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