Chapter 18: What About You...?

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After dinner, Jesper cleaned up the plates. Klaus offered to help, but instead, Jesper served them their after-meal tea so that they can have more conversation. Jesper also served them some cookies to go with the tea. 

"Jasmine tea," Mr. Johansson said as he tasted the tea. "It tastes really strong. I really like it."

"I never had this tea before until Jesper brought it here," Klaus said. "It seems that there are more varieties of food and ingredients from where you are from."

"Well then, we should export more to Smeerensburg," Mr. Johansson said. "The mailing business is bigger thanks to Smeerensburg."

"I never knew Smeerensburg would grow this huge," Klaus said. "And I've lived here longer than  I can remember, and I never knew it would have more shops than I can imagine."

"I'm curious about the geography here now," Mr. Johansson said as he dipped a cookie in the tea and bit into it.

"Perhaps I can give you a tour," Klaus suggested after swallowing a sip of tea. 

"Are you sure, Klaus?" Jesper asked. 

"Now, if you're too busy," Mr. Johansson said. "I can't possibly make you."

"I insist," Klaus said. "Plus, if you need to take a look around the town, might as well let the person who lived here the longest give the tour."

"Well, if you put it that way," Mr. Johansson said. "I will be looking forward to the tour tomorrow." He placed the empty cup on the saucer, turned to Jesper, and said, "Jesper, will you lead me to the room where I can stay for tonight?" 

"Here, I'll lead you to the guest room," Jesper said as he cleared the cups, saucers, and the plate. He placed them gently in the sink and led his father in the guest room. 

"Sure is very roomy, Jesper," Mr. Johansson said. "How do you manage to take care of the room without any butlers or maids to work for you?"

"I learned how to clean," Jesper said. 

"Impressive," Mr. Johansson said with a proud smirk. It was small but Jesper knew that his father was proud of him. 

"Well, good night, dad," Jesper said as he slowly exited the room. 

"Good night, Jesper," Mr. Johansson said before Jesper closed the door. 


After Jesper put his father into the guest room to sleep, he snuck Klaus into his own room. "I'm sorry about my dad's sudden visit. I know we promised to work on the toys together," Jesper said as he closed the door behind him.

"Now, come on," Klaus said. "You didn't plan for your father to come here."

"Were you nervous meeting my dad?" Jesper asked. 

"Kind of," Klaus said. "I hope he approves of me being your lover soon."

"I hope so too," Jesper said. 

"That's why I offered to give him a tour tomorrow," Klaus said. "You know so that I can leave a good impression on your father."

"I guess that's smart," Jesper snickered. 

"So, what should we do now?" Klaus asked. 

"Well, since we did not spend much more time in the evening," Jesper said. "Let's make it up for the night."

"I like the sound of that," Klaus said. 

"So, what do you want to do?" Jesper asked. 

"Hmm," Klaus said as he looked around his room. "Perhaps you can coach me while reading. I think I have become better at it."

Klaus - Shall We Then...?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon