Chapter 13: I'm Sorry... Jesper...

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After their dinner, Jesper decided to show around his room. Klaus sat on his bed and bounced on it a little. "Wow, I never knew beds can be this comfortable. It feels like I'm sitting on a chunk of cloud!"

"I can ask my father to get you a similar mattress," Jesper said. 

"I sleep better on my bed," Klaus said. "Thank you for the offer though."

"Always love to offer," Jesper said as he hung his uniform in the closet and put on his gown. 

"Is this the photo of you when you were a baby?" Klaus asked as he picked up the picture frame next to Jesper's bed.

"Oh, Klaus, don't look at that," Jesper replied as he snickered out of embarrassment.

"This must be your father," Klaus said.

"Yeah, do you remember him?" Jesper asked. "You saw him briefly when he came to Smeerensburg once, right?"

"Yeah, he seems to have more hair on his head in this photo," Klaus said. He then cleared his throat and added, "No offense." Jesper snickered. "And this woman... is this your mother?" Klaus asked as he pointed at the woman with long, wavy, elegant blond hair, green eyes, rosy lips and blush, high cheekbones, petite nose, and shy smile. 

"Yes, she is my mother," Jesper answered.

"I guess you got the hair from your mother," Klaus said. "Elegant blond hair."

"I did," Jesper said as he chuckled and caressed his own hair.

"I've never seen your mother," Klaus said. "It seems she never visited you either."

"Well, it's because she passed away," Jesper answered.

"Oh..." Klaus immediately felt guilty about mentioning his mother. "I'm sorry... Jesper... I really am, I didn't know. I'm really sorry."

"Don't apologize," Jesper said. "She passed away when I was just an infant." That did not make Klaus feel less guilty, but seeing that it doesn't bother Jesper made him feel better. "She was sick a year after I was born. Doctors didn't know what caused it, so... they couldn't cure her. Since I have no memories with her, I don't feel sad or anything, but I think her death must've hit my dad really hard."

"I see..." Klaus said as he looked down out of guilt.

"Klaus," Jesper said warmly as he placed his hand on Klaus' large, warm hands. "Don't feel bad about it. You didn't know about it, and I don't feel any grief about it. You don't need to feel bad about something that's not your fault, you don't have to do that!" He smiled warmly at Klaus. His smile was irresistible that Klaus had to lean in to kiss him. 

"You're always so sweet, Jesper," Klaus said in a flirty manner. "Your words and your lips."

"I guess I take it after my mother," Jesper chuckled. "My father was never good with words." 

Klaus hugged Jesper tight as they both moaned. "Did you ever wish... that your mother was alive?" Klaus asked cautiously as he withdrew and handed him the picture frame. 

"When I was a kid," Jesper said as he sat down next to Klaus and gently received the picture frame. "I always wished that she was alive because everyone seemed to have a mom and a dad when I only had a dad." He sighed before he continued. "But the thing is, my dad played with me a lot no matter how busy he was. I always wanted to help my dad mail the letters, but the letters in the envelope, everything that had to do with the postman job, so he let me stay with him during his working time too. I may still wish that I had a mother, but also at the same time, my dad makes me not regret not having a mother." Klaus smiled at him. "Enough about my past, what should we do?" Jesper asked.

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