Chapter 7: I Have Something To Tell You

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"Well, right on time!" Jesper greeted happily in the kitchen as he heard the door open. He did not need to see who it was to know that it was Klaus.

"I, uh, I'm sorry I'm late," Klaus said.

"Nope, you're just in time!" Jesper said as he peeked out of the kitchen. "I made you some dinner! Why don't you wash your hands and come to the kitchen?"

"Um, well, thank you," Klaus said. "Where, uh, where is your bathroom again?"

"Ah, it's at the end of the hall over there," Jesper said as he pointed.

Klaus smiled at Jesper and headed to the bathroom to wash his hands. Klaus was very surprised by the soap. He has never seen a soap so fancy with such sweet scent. So rectangular... and it has a really nice smell... this probably explains why Jesper doesn't smell like other men in town... When he finished washing and drying his hand, he brought his hand closer to his nose to sniff the scent of the soap that has been left on his hand. He walked out and arrived at the kitchen, still sniffing his hands.

"The soap smells good, doesn't it?" Jesper said as he warmly smiled at Klaus.

Klaus blushed as he answered, "Yes. I've never seen a soap so fancy before."

"I really love using those," Jesper said as he placed the spoon and fork down besides the plate of scrambled eggs. "That's why I asked my dad to bring a lot to me. Anyways, here is your dinner."

"Where's yours?" Klaus asked.

"Oh, I'm not hungry," Jesper answered.

"But I don't want to eat alone," Klaus said as he sat down on the kitchen table. "At least have a piece of bread or something."

"All right then," Jesper said as he walked towards the storage and ripped a piece of bread.

Klaus picked up his spoon, dug the spoon inside the scrambled egg, scooped up a bunch and carefully put it in his mouth. He chewed slowly to savor it.

"Well, how does it taste...?" Jesper asked.

I should say that it tastes good... Klaus thought, but instead, these words came out of his mouth, "It's a little too greasy." Klaus placed his hand over his mouth, shocked by what he said. Why did I just say that??? I must've hurt his feelings!!

"Hmm... maybe I did put too much oil in there," Jesper said without being offended. "I covered the pan with oil, maybe I should've used much less. I promise to get them right next time."

"It's still good," Klaus said. "It's seasoned right."

Jesper smiled as he ripped the part of his bread and handed to him. "Whenever I eat scrambled eggs, I always ate it with a piece of bread. They taste better that way for some reason."

"Ah, thank you," Klaus said as he took the bread out of Jesper's hand. He used the fork to spread the scrambled egg on the piece of bread, and put it in his mouth and chewed carefully.

"Hmm... mmhmmhmm..." Klaus chuckled as he chewed. He knows he can't cook, but at least he tries... that's really cute... He thought. But it tastes even better with bread. The scrambled eggs... they don't taste good, but I don't know why I can't stop eating it... "Do you have any more bread?" Klaus asked.

"Here, take mine," Jesper said as he handed Klaus his bread.

"But I still want you to eat," Klaus said.

"I'll just get more bread after giving this to you," Jesper said as he smiled.

"Well then," Klaus said as he took the bread out of Jesper's hand. He didn't continue eating until Jesper came back with another piece of bread in his hands. Klaus continued to eat with the bread. When he finished, Jesper grabbed the empty plate and washed it in the sink while Klaus wiped his lips with the handkerchief. "What is this handkerchief made of? They're so soft on my lips."

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