Chapter 1

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        I've been searching for barns that give lessons since mom and dad said I could take lessons over the summer. While I've gone on trail rides and trotted on a friends horse once, my equestrian life is otherwise nonexistent. So far only one facility has caught my eye. It's called Oak Ridge Stables.

        It's a 15 acre land with a beautiful trail and fields, but it doesn't have an arena. The lessons are $35 per hour. I print out the page and head down stairs. Riley, my Australian shepard, fullows me downstairs.        

       Mom and dad are watching the news, not really caring about what's happening in our country. They don't notice me at first, so I clear my throat and they turn their heads.

"Yes McKenzie?" mom asks. I sit down in the love-seat and hand her the paper.

"Can I take lessons here?" I ask. Mom hands the paper to my dad. He reads through it. I'm nervous to see how he reacts to this place.

"That's a reasonable price." He comments "Do you want to go and check it out?"

        I nod my head. We head out the door. I'm the first one in the car. On the way over, I can't help but wonder about all of the horses I could ride. When we arrive, we are greeted by about six paddocks, all filled with horses. A beautiful grey horse catches my eye. He spooks at the sound of the engine. My mom gasps.

"Now, honey if you do take lessons here, be careful." She shakily says. I roll my eyes. My parents have always been so overprotective, when they learned about me riding a friends horse, they flipped. It's really annoying. We pull up in the drive way and I run out. The barn is huge and very clean. 

"Hello?" I call out. A girl peeks her head around the corner.

"Hi," She happily greets "Can I help you?"

"I was hoping to take lessons here." I reply. My parents enter the barn. The girl looks over my shoulder to see them.

"Hi. Are you her parents?" She asks.


"Well, just step into my office over here." She says gesturing towards a door. We do so. The office is dark and dusty with one dirty window, only letting a faint beam of light into the room.

"So, I'm Kayleen," The woman says "and your daughter tells me she wants to take lessons." My parents nod in reply.

"What day and time?" Kayleen asks.

"Saturday, at 12:00." My parent answer in unison. I smile. I didn't expect to actually take lessons. I'm so happy I finally get to ride horses.

"And what did you say your name was, sweetie?" She asks me. I snap back into reality and quickly answer.

"McKenzie." I reply.

        Kayleen writes that down on a piece of paper. She gets up and gestures for us to follow her. We do so. She leads us to a girl, that looks to be about my age, mucking out a stall.

"McKenzie, Melody will give you your lesson tomorrow, with supervision from me." Kayleen says. Melody waves at me. I wave back with a smile.

        When we're done we head back to the car. I am mentally jumping for joy. Tomorrow I get to ride horses! What else could I ask for?


Heyooooooo. So what do you think of this book? I like it so far. This chapter was 477 words long.


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