Chapter 3

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        After the lesson I get home and my parents get a call. Melody calls and asks if I would like to come and ride for free tommorow and help out with the horses.

        Of course I say yes. I will come at 7:00 tomorow. I'm really happy.

-----The next day-------

        I wake up at 6:00. I take a shower and put on my black tank top with my bootcut jeans and my only pair of boots.

        We head out the the barn and get there a bit early. Melody is at the front and waves. I wave back at her.

        Melody and I muck out the stalls, groom, water and feed the horses. Today I'm going to ride Princess. She is a pretty apaloosa.

        "So, Melody. Do you have any horses?" I ask a we tack up. "No." She says sounding very disapointed. I'm surprised. She seems like the girl to own one. I walk 2 laps in the round ring and trot 2 laps.

"Ok. Now hold her up, then kick and kiss." Melody commands. I do what she says. Soon we are loping. I bounce around at first then I don't.

        "Good. That looks very nice." Melody comments. I smile.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Ok lets stop."

        I pull Princess into a walk. I pat her neck. I'm tired. I dismount and lead Princess into her stall, then untack her.

"Now you are going to ride Jasper. He is really good for bareback and that is what you are going to do." Melody says. I nod my head.

        We put on Jaspers bridle and lead him out into the round ring. Melody has to help me up even with the mounting block. Jasper is huge!

        I walk around for a while then I try a trot, but it is only a few steps. A car pulls up inthe drive way.

"Whose that?" I ask. Melody sigs and shakes her head.

"That is Lexi." she replies, "She is the meanest boarder here."

A girl with beautiful light brown hair, blue eyes and red lips. She's gourgeous.

"Lexi owns a horse named buttercup." Melody adds. I saw buttercup He is a palimino paint. With a smile on her face she dosn't look so mean... until she gives a wierd look at me up and down.

        I lead Jasper back to the barn. He is really sweet. I love him. I stroke his forelock.

"So I was wondering if you would like to sleep over ay my house tonight since my parents are out of town." Melody suggests. I gaasp.

"Yes, I would love to sleep over!" I exclaim. I hug her so hard I'm surprised she dosn't sufficate. I call my parents on my phone.

        I ask them to bring some clothes and my money. They agree, it would be fun for me to have a sleep over. A while later they bring my stuff.  Kayleen drives us to Melodys house.

"Thank you. Bye!" I call out before Kayleen leaves. We head inside. It is fairly small house, but it is nice. Melodys room is painted blue with a zebra carpet and bed spread.

"I like your room." I compliment.

"Thank you."

        I put my bag on the ground. My parents only packed me $60 and 2 pairs of chlothes along with my hair brush.

"I'm going to the wild horse round up tomorow to buy a horse." Mel says. (Mel is what I now call her.)

"Cool!" I exclaim. It's so cool that she will get a horse.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you Kayleen is having an open house and a dance in 2 weeks. Do you want to go?" Mel asks.

"Are you kidding? YES!" I squeal.

"Then we have to go shopping."

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