Chapter 16

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-----------1 month later----------

Summer has ended, and I'm 14- years- old now. Which means one thing... high school. I'm glad that I'll be with Mel.

We both start school tomorrow. Lexi goes to the same school. She's in my grade. I shudder at the thought of it.

Mel and I head out to the barn and groom our horses. I wrap my arms around Dakota's neck. "I'm starting school tomorrow, but I'll still come out every day."

Dakota softly nickers at me. He's such a sweet boy, I love him so much. Mel is going to try to canter Twilight today.

I wish Dakota wasn't just my lease horse. I wish I owned him, more than anything. But for right now, I'm fine with what I have.

I tack him up western, then walk him to the round ring. Mel and I just leave the gate open, because other people are coming to ride today.

The neighbor has been on his tractor for the past hour. When he stops it, the tractor backfires and Dakota spooks.

He bucks and rears, then behind me Twilight rears. Dakota bolts out the gate and into the woods. I loose grip of the reigns and Dakota's mane, then slide off.

Then roll down the hill on the side of the trail and hit my head on a rock. I don't know for how long, but I am passed out.

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