Chapter 7

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        In the morning, I have an unpleasant wake up call. Riley, our border collie, licks my face at 7:00 in the morning.

        I push her away and wipe the slobber off of my face. Mel and I are going on a trail ride today so I put on my long sleeve shirt, jeans and boots.

        It rained last night so I want to dress in layers. My mom drives me over to the barn. Mel is tacking up a horse named Jasper.

        I tack up Jewel. We walk out to the nice trail. It is very, very, very foggy today, so we have to be careful.

        There is an upside to riding on a cold, dark, foggy morning. There are no flies to bother us. Jasper  and Jewel would spook ocassionaly.

        We got back to the barn sooner than we thought so Mel and I work with Twilight. He is a really good boy. Mel adores him so much and he learns extremely quickly. We just do some groundwork and trick training first.

        Mel also wants me to work with Dakota. She thinks that I'm some sort of 'horse whisperer' but really I'm not.

        I tack up Dakota and lunge him for a while. A car pulls up into the drive way. The car spooks Dakota and he bolts.

        I look back to see if it was my parents, but It's not. It's only Lexi. I look back over to Dakota. Will they ever get here? I kinda want to go back home.

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