Chapter 3

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As I practically ran like a psycho to school, I felt my phone vibrate. Yes, I am running to school, you've never heard of anyone doing that? Well if you must know my school has this sort of competition. Those with 100% attendance with no late occurrences get to go on the schools trip to the trip at the end of the year free.

We go on a cruise for about 2 weeks visiting areas in the Caribbean and South America.
However, most people in my school are usually absent or kind of don't give a fuck about going for free so they never win. Only a handful of people win or so Natalie says. This is my first year in the school so I would love to go for free.
I don't want to be a burden financially on my parents.

I'm going to college soon. My dumb untalented ass is clearly not gonna get a scholarship so most likely they're going to have to pay out of their own pockets. Plus, I feel like they're planning something else.

I'm not sure what it is. I know for sure it's not the gay club. If they even knew what Sarah was planning they'd surely strangle both of us. I'm not kidding. You should've seen what my mother did when she found out about my fathers affair.

But anyway, I tried to grab it out of my phone out of my pocket, but guess what?

It ran out on it's own and fell face first onto the concrete sidewalk. I was terrified as my phone is like my own child. That cracking sound didn't help my emotions either. I knew exactly what happened. I bent down to pick it up and to no surprise I was correct.

The screen was definitely cracked. It looked like Spider-Man shot a web from one end of the screen and it splattered on the other end. That's just my luck ain't it. The screen was dimming. I looked closely at the lock-screen and noticed something.

It said: 7:32 in a big font and January 3rd in smaller letters under it.

Didn't Natalie say it was 7:40 when I was already at the house? I could barely even see anything on the screen. I tried to go to the phone app, but my it finally died on me. I swear I felt the life leave the body. Is this how parents felt when they lose a child?

I started walking slow as hell to school. I didn't care about the stupid award or anything anymore. With my luck I'd probably get to school early and my phone breaking would've all been for nothing. I swear Natalie irks my soul.

By the time I got to school students were filing in. I walked slowly up the steps. When I got inside I had to swipe my ID in. I looked like crap in that picture so I made sure to hide it once I swiped. I looked for my locker next to my first period...Spanish.

When I saw the number I began turning in the combination. To be honest, this isn't even my locker. I don't even know who's locker this one is. I just took it because it was close to the exit and my first period. Oh well, no one told them to take so long to claim it.

I opened it and dumped my stuff in it, not even caring that some of the stuff was falling on the floor. Okay, I kind of did care. Some of that stuff could've been my homework. I most likely didn't finish it and I never put anything in folders either. I bent down to start collecting it.

I saw a shadow in front of me bend down. Once I saw the lacy light pink skirt I already knew who it was. It was my close friend Christina. Note how I didn't say best friend. I consider Sarah everything.

"What happened?" She asked. "Did someone die?"

"You could say that," I said choking back a sob.

I showed her my phone. She started laughing. You see? Even in death they'll still laugh at you.

"This is not funny," I said holding back the tears.

Wow and people have still yet to notice that I'm gay?

"Don't worry about it I kind of sensed it already," Christina said beginning to open her locker.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You just told me you're gay," She said if there wasn't a care in the world. "Don't worry about it."

I was still at a lost for words. Did I really just come out to her? How did I not notice? Dear God, I need a drink.

Then my friend Austin came up to us. Let's just say I had a major crush on him when we met. He was into all kinds of sports while I practically dreaded them. He was fit but wasn't that muscular. I swear I saw stars, but now I see him as the brother I never had.

I can definitely see that Christina had a crush on him. She would literally grow all quiet around him...just like she was right now. She usually kept her head down she was right now.
I swear if Austin didn't see the obvious signs there was something wrong with him.

"Are you crying?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked sniffling a little.

"Your eyes are kind of watery," He told me.

"Oh I just lost someone today," I informed him.

His expression changed. He hugged me. Let's just say I felt all the daggers Christina was throwing at my back right now. If I still liked him I probably woulda been all into this hug, but I sadly just wanted to mourn alone.

"Who was it?" He asked. "Was it Natalie?"

"Ew no. Do you think I'd be crying right now if it was her?" I said.

Wow, I'm harsh as fuck.

"It was my phone I dropped it and it has since been deceased."

He looked at me with a dumbfounded expression and he punched me in my shoulder. A little too hard if you ask me. He started laughing.

"Leo you're such a fag sometimes."

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