Chapter 7- ...good girl

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The door to the medical room swings open
And I'm happy to see mr Clark I thought it was going to be Riley to come finish me off

I sit up as he walks over pulling a chair in front of me
"Here put this on your hand"
"Thank you..."

I expect him to lean back or leave the room but instead he leans forward facing me
"You can leave if you want I will be fine"
He quickly shakes his head
"No it's fine I will stay with you" he says running his finger through his hair and then crossing his arms over his chest

The room falls into an awkward silence all you can hear is us breathing and my odd sniff from me crying
"Your still upset"
I look up and he's already staring at me I just shrugged my shoulders because I knew if I talk about it, it's just going to make me start crying again
"Is it true" the deep tone sending shivers down my spine

I don't know weather  to answer that or not...because would he judge?
With out realising a tear escapes my eye and runs down my face
"A little bit..."
He let's out a sigh and stands up pushing the chair back

Oh god what is he going to say
"My dad left  to" he says holding out a tissue from the tissue box off of the side "it's tuff"
I take it from his hand and wipe away my tears
"You shouldn't listen to her anyway she's just trying to get under your skin"

"And when she said you wasn't worth!"
I quickly cut him off. Them words hurt me and send a sinking feeling I'm my heart
I have to look away
"Stop....please "
He tilts his head in confusion and he takes a step closer

I clutch the ice bag onto my hand and slide off the chair
I slide past mr Clark smelling his Aftershave
God this man smells good. I wrap my fingers round the doorknob to twist it when a shadow looms over me
"Scarlett answer you believe Riley?"
His hand is rested on the door stopping me from openings

Who wouldn't
I spin around on the spot and our noses are Practically touching
His eyes piercing into my soul and his lips so perfect and pink
"Listen to me " there is a bit of sympathy in his voice

"Scarlett your a bright, intelligent, talented girl who has a bit of a attitude problem but I will let it slide.... you know just in case you punch me" a smirk appears on his face as he's trying to creak jokes
I can't help but blush

"How can I not believe her...she's right"
I look down at my feet still clutching onto the ice pack

his mint breath blowing into my face "Riley is a bully, her goal in life is to Make others feel bad or look down on them self ... do you know why!"

I shake my head and shrug my shoulders
He lifts his hand and slowly lifts my chin up with his finger so our eyes meet
"She does it because she is insecure. Shes not perfect no one is but.... you need to stop letting her in your head....promise me"

The room fills silent are faces still inches apart
This might sound weird but being this close to him makes me feel
I slowly nod my head trying to fight back the tears because I feel like I have cried to much in front of this man already
"Use your words Scarlett...."
"Yes sir.....I will try"

"...good girl" he says is a soft voice
It was enough to send shivers all over my body
His voice does something to me something that I have never felt before!

The door handle to the medical room pulls down like it's about to be open by someone
Mr Clark notices this and puts both his hands and the tops of my arms and pulls me away just before it opened

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