Chapter 17- did i just !

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"fuck it!" He says lunging forward crashing his lips into Mine,They was so soft so ..... delicate while the kiss was so passionate and rough
Each kiss drawing me in even more
My heart starts to race and I could feel my cheeks burning up....but I can't help thinking, am I really doing this right now!

The elevator pings and Mr Clark quickly leaps back wiping my lipgloss of his lips with the back of his hand while I pull up the strap of my dress what had fallen off my shoulder.
The doors open and there stood miss Martinez....god this woman is everywhere!

She steps into the elevator standing  in between me and mr Clark
"Hi Scarlett" she says smiling
"Hi" I smile back before looking away
"Did you enjoy the dinner?" She asks
So I quickly nod my head "Oh yes it was very nice thank you"
"It's a good thing mr Clark remembered your hazelnut could have ended up in the ER"
Miss Martinez rests her hand on the side of mr Clark's arm giving it a light squeeze

"Yes it was" I lean forward to look around Miss and smiles "thank you....sir"
A slight smile forms on mr Clark's face then sends me a innocent wink "of course miss Williams"

My heart flutters as I walk straight out of the elevator, feeling both of there eyes burning into the back of my head
In one swift motion a look over my shoulders and smile at them both "good night" I say.
And then in a instant the doors closed

God I didn't really just do that did I..... I kissed a teacher and he kissed me! And it was mr CLARK!
I can't even tell if I'm happy that it happened or in pure shock!

I walk down the hall to mine and elles room
When I get in I try to make as less noise as possible because she was already asleep On her bed



Don't tell anyone🤫
I won't tell a soul!🤫

I smile looking down at my phone before quickly rushing in the bathroom to put my Bikini on
I haven't actually seen the pool yet but at dinner mason said that when he looked there's a jacuzzi, a mini water full with what looked like a sitting area inside, a steam room, spa and a big ass swimming pool

Before leaving the room I pick up the room key, my towel and a hair tie,
I make sure I haven't left anything behind
I open the door when I hear
"Where are you going?"
I look over my shoulder and Elle is sitting up in bed with one eye squinted shut

"Oh I'm just going...."
I go to say but then I think would mason want me to invite Elle....he did say don't tell anyone🤷🏼‍♀️
"Oh I was just about to go....get my lotion I left in masons bag then....take a shower"
For a moment she tilts her head like she's thinking but then she nods her head and flops back down onto the bed "don't forget the key"
"Yeah ok"

I run down the corridor where mason is waiting
"Let's go!" He says pulling me by my arm
"Your going to love it" mason says holding open the door what says special guest only!
He taps his finger on the sign and says "I like to think we're quite special!"
And I can't help but chuckle

Good this place did look really fun
I walk over to the edge of the pool putting my towel and things over on the side then just dipping my foot into the water. It was a lot warmer then I thought it was going to be
"Ooooo it's nice and warm" I say to mason but I get no response
"Mason I said it is!..." two big arms wrap around my body and we both go smashing into the water
We both come to the surface
"See it's so warm" I lean back dipping my hair In

My teacher and I (18+)Where stories live. Discover now