Chapter 14- its only tampons

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I wheel my suitcase down my driveway to masons car
Mason steps out and raises his arms wide in the air taking in a deep breath "ahhh the air is fresh early in the morning"
He runs round and helps me lift up my suitcase "jeez Scarlett what have you got in here bricks!"
The suitcase flys into the back of the car making the whole car drop then bounce back up
"Is it really that heavy" I say laughing and shutting the trunk
"Yeah what did you pack your whole closet!"

In my defence I heard that the British weather is soooo unpredictable, it could be really hot one minute but then start hammering it down with rain moments later so I might of gone a bit OTT with my packing! Who could blame me !

And don't even get me started on the room situation, a email went out last night saying that mr Clark has just decided the people  who are sharing rooms, I don't know what I had expected but all I do know is that knowing my luck I will be put in a room with someone I can't stand and I will be stuck with them all week.

Me and mason pull into the school, to my surprise there was no one else here
Did they not listen at all to mr Clark yesterday it's almost 4:30 and I know if we put him in a bad mood now he's going to be like it for the rest of the trip!
I look over at the coach and there was mr Clark he was wearing a pair of black jeans and just a casual top what gripped around the tops of his arms
It was weird not seeing him in a suit and tie, it seemed almost unnatural

"Good morning" mr Clark said still looking down at his clip board "I'm glad some people listened to me in the assembly yesterday"
He takes a quick glance up "good job"

" Killian where was you planning to sit because I will sit right next to know keep you company"
Mr Clark has his back too her and he rolls his eyes in frustration "at the front miss Martinez and please do not call me by my first name in front of the students!"

"Sorry I didn't realise anyone was here!" She looks around him and shares a smile "are you guys excited....because I know I am!"

Miss Martinez was definitely over dressed for a day of travelling, she had on a black strap dress what was brought in at the middle with a bow and a full face of makeup, dont get me wrong she looked amazing but it puts me to shame when she's standing there and I'm standing over here in a pair of leggings with my oversized jumper and only my eyebrows and mascara done
Not like there's  any competition anyway

"Let's put away your cases!" She says jumping down and quickly taking them from us

One by one people started to show up, cutting it pretty close to time
"Ok now that everyone is finally here let's get on the bus please!"
Mason goes off ahead and grabs us a couple of seats about three rows from the front
"Perfect.....I call the window seat!" He calls as he glides in

I pick up my bag from the floor and start looking through it when I feel a tap on the shoulder
"Well well well look who it is"
I look up and chase is staring down at me with his set of white teeth on show
"Hi" I say slightly blushing
"It's good your coming on this trip" he says and his lip curls

Sometimes I look at him and think is he really talking to me.... or I think why is he talking to me when he should be talking to someone like Riley or Gemma!

His arms go on either side of the seats as he leans over
He smelt amazing and he had a thin gold chain what hung from his neck
"Why don't you come sit at the back with me and we can talk some more "

I look up at the top of the bus and instantly I knew I didn't belong was full of all the popular kids laughing and pushing each other and how if I went up there everything would change in a seconds
I would stick out like a sore thumb.
"Um no I....promised mason I would stay with him..." I give chase a slight smile
" won't mind will you buddy"
He sticks his head to the side and looked at mason, he raised his eyebrows and frowned

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