Chapter 10- shopping here i come!

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Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in like forever I have been really busy and I'm not going to lie I couldn't be asked 😂but I have had a strike of motivation so I'm going to hopefully write you loads more and I made this chapter a little bit longer then the others so I hope you like it and don't be afraid to tell me what you think ☺️
Happy Friday ✌🏼☺️✌🏼


"He's the new head of attendance!"
Mason turns around and shows his widened eyes
"Your lying"
I quickly shake my head and chuckle "I'm not!"

"Oh your fucked" he says letting out a small chuckle "you know he going to annoy you till he gets what he wants!"

"I know don't remind me!" I roll my eyes
"Did you want to come to the mall with me tomorrow!" Mason asks
"Yeah sure is anyone else coming"'

"Nah everyone's busy so I just thought me and you can get some lunch and shop"

"Yeah sure" I say walking through the door to my English class to see Riley already sitting in her seat giving me a dirty look
I take a quick glance over to see that her cheek was still red and that her eye had a slight hint of purple underneath it.
The room is so silent that you could here a pin drop but I just keep my head up and walk straight past hoping she doesn't say a thing.

"See its chill" mason says in my ear as he slides into his seat
"She didn't say anything if she was that was her best chance.... anyways I wouldn't let her" a small smile comes over his face

"Good morning class!" Mr Clark says as he strides through the door sending a smile my way
"I have two things to talk about before we start" he says placing his bag down and pulling out a hand full of papers what must be our tests
"One I've marked your tests and let's just say.....they were interesting and two I have a date for our school trip"

The whole class cheers letting out a roar of excitement even though we don't even know where we are going yet

"Woah settle down I haven't even told you where" he says lifting up his hands to make everyone silent "we are going to.......London England!"

Omg what! London! For our school that is a far stretch we are sometimes lucky just to go to a museum down the street but a whole new country wow!
But the realisation hits me .....
School trip + different country = 💵💰💲💳
We would be paying for the flights the hotel our travel, day trips and food and drink and even though it's only for a couple of days I bet it can reach up to a pretty health sum!

I look over at mason who has a big grin on his face "I can't wait!" He says in excitement

"Only a hand full of you will be able to go because it is expensive and me and another teacher what has not been decided yet are the only ones going so we can't be out numbered by a whole class!"

" a email has been sent to all of your parents saying that We will be going in a week and I will be selecting who goes in the next couple of days so if I was you guys I would start thinking of ways to show me you deserve to go"

Mr Clark rolls up the sleeves to his shirt and picks up the stack of test papers slowly walking and passing them Off
the sighs grow around the room and I just know if most of the class is upset about there score then I have no hope
Sir gets to me and places the test on my desk and taps the corner of the sheet
"You still doubt your self" he says in a slight whisper what I just about heard
I shrug my shoulders and glance up at him "I can't help that"

In the corner was scribbled ( 10/30) in bright red pen
Even his writing was attractive, the way they curved round......
I didn't even get half

My teacher and I (18+)Where stories live. Discover now